
Some people such as the Austin Police Chief have suggested they’ll have to pull officers off the street to police the bathrooms, but they probably won’t. Most likely this bill is completely unenforceable except against those who already have it rough like highschool kids—the school security will know everyone and be

Alright I can’t seem to edit my post atm, but really you don’t have to be a dick about something I posted in passing in the middle of the night. Just explain your case. I’ll try to listen.

The ending may have been pretty lame. The levels weren’t “typical” that’s for sure. But the game was not boring. I still hold my Win ‘95 Special Edition as my favorite game of all time (the CD quality music/audio really adds to it btw).

Why are you splitting hairs and being an ass? If you’re so sure it’s not going to harm you then go spray yourself in the face with Roundup pal.

I don’t understand why Monsanto is wasting so much money on this. They could take the high road and just say “yeah this spray that is designed to kill things is bad for you.” I mean it’s a spray that kills stuff. Cmon. I just assumed it caused cancer from the getgo. But evil’s gotta be evil I ‘spose.

“Let’s be real...” the phrase that is almost always immediately followed by BS. Games are easy to find on shelves now—you know damn well the SNES Classic will not be.

I could swear this spoiler was also in one of the trailers (Hollywood also has a love affair with ruining twists in trailers: just look at... well absolutely ALL of the Terminator movies for example). Still sucks though, wish they could’ve avoided that trope.

Now playing

It’s a figure of speech Morty. They’re bureaucrats! I don’t respect them!

omfg I never noticed the little man in the turret. It’s not a tower at all!

I would have thought getting them to sign onto a cruise ship would be easy, what with the implication and all.

She was also Granny in damn near everything Warner Bros for decades and decades! This had to happen on Bugs Bunny’s birthday too... I will miss her so :’(

Says he isn’t racist and calls him a name used to put down Asians and people with Down Syndrome in the same damn sentence...

You tell’em Hedy!!

What the hell are you going on about?

She tried going to other news sources first and they turned her down. Don’t knock her for going to WikiLeaks when they were the only ones who listened at the time.