
Damn, you changed it. Change it back.

But they still won, right?

Nope, sorry, he only meets 2 of the 5 criteria. Look, I don't make the rules, take it up with the International Union of Fat Guy Touchdowns (IUFGT) if you have a problem.

True story: here in New Orleans, a fairly common synonym for "soda/pop/coke" is "cold drink" (emphasis on the cold, as in cold drink). Interestingly, orange juice and milk in the fridge are not cold drinks, but a Dr Pepper that's been left in the car for a day is.

It's a decent point, but, as BR says, maybe what black people call themselves is up to them. Unless you're black, in which case, go on.

To be fair, it practically pays for itself, seeing as how it was blessed by the Oracle of Delphi to bestow upon its wearer tremendous mercantile powers.

The rankings are there to help the voters determine whatever matchup they envisioned in the preseason and can still even remotely justify. Totally different than what we have now, where the rankings are the vehicle by which the voters determine whatever matchup they envisioned in the preseason and can still even

The same as what?

Wipeboards? Wipeboards. Wipe...boards. Wiiiipebooooaaarrrds.

I think I'm going to retaliate against the next person who invites Schiano jokes by saying "no Schiano jokes" by approving every single Schiano joke in the thread.

4/10. For the record, the judge's score using the following criteria:

Even if we accept that reading, it doesn't by themselves reverse the paragraphs where he spends time talking about what Neyer said was wrongheaded and how he'd like to see more women in sports journalism.

Societal norms = politically correct? Wow, you must have the super-thesaurus, while I'm stuck with just a plain old Webster's.

That part of his argument, where he says that people need hate speech so that they can hone their skills in arguing against hate speech, is really stupid and you are right to criticize it. As I said, it was an uneven and poorly written piece.

Yeah, but this doesn't really count because nearby power lines were interfering with the with the Bryans' psychic fraternal link. Incidentally, it also briefly severed their connection with the Jew bankers who run the UN, for whom they are sleeper agents.

Fun fact: videos that get banned from MTV go straight to Satan's Netflix queue, which he watches on a television powered by spite and perched on a TV stand shoved down Attila the Hun's anus.

Far be it for me to blow your anonymity, but which team? Failing in that, which league?

I think he just lifted that rant verbatim from a locker room speech he gave a few years back.

I don't think that's what's at fault here. What's at fault here is that when Deadspin writers take a break from posting funny .gifs and youtube videos to express a serious opinion, they (shockingly!) find themselves incapable of nuance and pretty generally take a sandblaster to the issue.

Which article was this?