The Spaceman

Elon is reminding me of Henry Ford. When I first learned about Henry, he was an amazing innovator who created the assembly line and paid his working a high wage. Way to go Henry! Then I found out he thought the Nazis were on the right track with fascism. And that he published and distributed worldwide an astonishingly

Yes, but does it make thousands of Julianne fries, just this fast, just this easy?

A new train line opened in my state, Florida, last year. It’s called Brightline, and it runs north along the coast from Miami and then turns west to Orlando. It’s a private company, and it’s the first new private passenger service in the US in six decades.

“If there is a bolt issue, the plug should be pinned to the fuselage opening and not fly clear of the plane.”

They’ll get more than a pat on the back. Most adjusters have a bonus plan that rewards them for under-paying claims payouts.

She might be tolerable with a Wienerschnitzel stuffed in her mouth.

In Florida you could get out of your car and shoot that asshole, thanks to the “Stand Your Ground” law.

They should update that ancient script. Every time I see it I think “old.”

Buying car parts you don’t need? Consider running an opportunity cost analysis first. You’ll find that the $280 you spent on cheap car parts that sit on the shelf could have been used for a date and gotten you laid.

“Using AI to enhance the time and space during commutes, providing greater value to users per unit time and transforming the driving and riding experience between Point A and Point B.”

I spent the absolute worst 18 hours of my life stuck in LGA. If Delta hadn’t continually lied about when my connecting flight would depart, I could have easily rented a car and driven to my destination in 1/3 the time.

The producers of 1967's “Grand Prix” raced real F1 cars in real races. IIRC, 3 actors, including James Garner, were trained sufficiently to be on the track in the race without killing anyone.

Yeah, just look at what a miserable failure all those Falcon 9 test flights and crashes turned out to be. I don’t know why anyone bothers to show up to work at SpaceX after that fiasco.

I suspect the more likely outcome is 4 city officials are going to get really nice cars to drive when the program goes bust.

I live ~12 miles from Ft. Pierce, and keep my boat in a marina there. I drive through or by downtown frequently. There are a lot of activities every weekend, and parking is a major PITA. They definitely need to do something. There are several large, empty parcels of land in easy walking distance from the town center.

We called these “El Dildos” in the ‘70's. A white belt and shoes were the requisite fashion for their drivers.

I’d like to see the numbers and calculations for the “deadhead miles” and “opportunity cost” for charging on the road. I won’t argue that they aren’t considerations, but only if they’re more than a very small percentage of the total estimated cost.

It breaks my heart to see these dealerships fighting in court.

I want to learn how to crawfish out of a deal. My guess is that it involves scuttling sideways, but I could be wrong.

Am I the only one who thinks of strippers when I see “Polestar?”