In the first few years after 9/11, more than one person was kicked out of a sporting event for not standing and holding their hand over their heart for “God Bless America.”
In the first few years after 9/11, more than one person was kicked out of a sporting event for not standing and holding their hand over their heart for “God Bless America.”
Are you saying that Maroney’s worth is fundamentally changed *and/or* that she deserves negative attention from trolls because she chooses to show herself looking a certain way?
So what? She’s an OLYMPIAN. She worked hard for that body and its awesome.
**shrug emoji** looks like every teen to early 20's Instagram I know, my young cousins and such. I don’t see the importance of pointing this out, hell she spent a good chunk of her formative years in a leotard. Who cares?
Agree. I loathed W. but I understood why people voted for him. This is so far beyond my comprehension. At BEST, he’s a blowhard reality tv star and a businessman of dubious success. At worst, he’s a racist, sexist, xenophobic megalomaniac (and actually really terrible businessman).
That anyone thinks this man should be President of the United States absolutely blows my fucking mind. I am generally good about understanding political differences between myself and others, but supporting this man is just too much.
“Bonjour, bleedypuss!”
no chance we could just bring back Aaliyah please
Can Pinkham come back for a BCO rerun?
Jeebus, can’t you just enjoy the fact that these people didn’t find it awkward and the daughter was happy and the dude was happy?
The problem is, he doesn’t say he’s anti-abortion, he says he’s pro-life. But then he’s in support of the death penalty. So he clearly does not stick to his convictions and is inconsistent on the matter of whether “life” is to be protected at all costs.
OTOH, he seems to be doing exceptionally well as an adult with microcephaly.
Easy for him to say. He won’t be the one going through the heartbreak of having a child with microcephaly.
Seriously?! Not just all of this ridiculousness, but you DIDN’T GO WITH YOUR WIFE WHEN SHE WAS COMPETING IN THE OLYMPICS?!?! How many Superbowls did you make her sit through? She literally competes one week every four years. WTF?
Still better than their proposed headline, “Mitch’s Bitch Acquires Gaudy Necklace.”
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“Caitlyn just wasn’t relatable,”
Do I look like Megyn Kelly to you?
Donald Trump spoke in detail about seeing video of “money pouring off of a plane”
You mean....out of your “wherever”?