Everybody is.
Everybody is.
Ah, but only men get to be martyrs, don’tyaknow.
I actually thought that Cox’s murder at the hands of a pro-Brexiter would get people to vote to stay in droves. Silly me, thinking that women’s lives should be valued.
I miss that show so much. She was at the airport in the late 90's - her heyday. The lounge was full. No one noticed her or asked her for an autograph or anything. She went into the adjacent magazine shop and flipped through every celebrity magazine scanning for herself - she found one article and read it. She got on…
I can’t either. So I looked them up, but I’ll forget their names again in no time. Here’s an interesting one:
Well I bet someone has to work very hard for her hair to look like that, and I’m sure they’re paid very well
I honestly do not know who Demi Lovato is, aside from recognizing her name, but her haircut is killer. I too have a choppy bob but have to work very hard for waves like that. Also, sorry Laura Prepon, you are gorgeous and I love your work but all I see when I look at you is SCIENTOLOGIST. Ick.
Great clip.
But are you sure you’re really sleeping?
Agreed. No non-apology BS, just “I fucked up and I’m sorry.”
Yeah, it seemed really sincere and mature. Kind of refreshing, as far as celebrity apologies go and all.
It does. Not. Matter.
“I have it on good authority that she’s secretly a j-o-o. Which is fine for handling money, I wouldn’t hire anyone else, and they are a beautiful people and they love me, but not really trustworthy in the White House.” ~ Carnie Handed Mango Man 2016
“Kid,” wrote one. “Your [sic] not a doctor...sorry to tell you, but not everything you hear on the Internet is true.”
A couple of years ago I had a nasty road rage incident. When I got home (via a very circuitous route), I tried to find out if this guy had a gun. You can’t. There is no registry where you can check that kind of thing. How insane is that?
Yes, a thousand times, yes. Make anyone who sells a firearm to someone who then uses that firearm to commit a crime, an accessory to that crime. Fuck this fucking shit. ENOUGH.
You know? Fuck no-fly lists. They’re pretty useless. I want to see the firearms equivalent of SIP laws. Nearly every state has laws in place to make bartenders culpable if they serve to intoxicated persons. They may not be well enforced, but they’re there and legal precedent.
If this goes through it won’t keep anybody safer, none of the mass shooters we’ve seen in the news were on the watchlist, this legislation wouldn’t have stopped the legal purchase of the weapons used at Pulse or at Sandy Hook.
This is how you know Blake Lively was a mean girl in high school. Because she thinks up shit like “meaty eyelids.”