The Sock of Ages



I grew up in Massachusetts and don't think I've ever seen pork products in my clam chowder. Maybe it was too small and I missed it. But it seems totally unnecessary. There is such thing as too much umami!

If I ever find pork products, celery, or onions in my New England clam chowder, there will be fucking murders.

It doesn't. Albert is a fucking liar.

Clam chowder has pork in it? I'm from MA and I never knew that. Color me surprised.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong. No pork products in New England clam chowder. Get that bacon the fuck out of my NECH. So wrong.

I don't think people are holding The Avengers up against Citizen Kane, they are comparing it to other Super Hero movies. If you don't like comic book movies it's not surprising that you don't like it, because it's a comic book movie.

When I first started watching Parks & Rec, Pratt's character was my least favorite. In the later seasons it's his character's and Nick Offerman's (Ron Swanson) that actually keep me watching. Pratt turned what seemed like a minor supporting character in the show into one of its biggest draws.

Not sure what movie you saw—-it has a great first 100 minutes. It's the obligatory action-packed climax that usually weighs down blockbusters and comic book movies in particular; the Avengers was pretty good there as well.

Man do I disagree. The first 2/3rds are the best part. Action sequences at this point are so "whatever" to me that it's almost hard to differentiate them.

EXACTLY. I mean, if you've seen one insane space opera with a talking raccoon you've seen them ALL.

If you can't find films to get interested in, you're just not looking hard enough, or at all.

Finch: [Signs with Twins]

It doesn't matter whether it hit his webbing first, the ball CANNOT touch the ground in the act of a catch. That's the rule, and therefore is not open for interpretation. I agree though, this call doesn't particularly bother me either, but more because it was Royals game, and it made the 4000 fans in attendance happy.

"Too close to overturn."

The problem in both football and baseball is that different officials/umpires get hung up on what qualifies as 'indisputable evidence' or whatever the verbiage is. It seems as though some go so overboard with this, and they end up holding up a terrible call because of some silly burden of proof that goes beyond what

* Leaving a shopping cart in a parking space.

I am FAR from a Pats fan, but I don't really view this as them "screwing" anybody. Carolina placed a guy on waivers, and New England claimed him. Where did the screwing take place?

I don't know that it's fair to say they "screwed" them by claiming a guy the Panthers found less valuable than the 91st guy they could think of for a camp invite.