The Sock of Ages

You really should understand something before you start popping off. The current media frenzy for athlete compensation has to do with the revenue sports (Men's D1 Football, Men's and Women's D1 Basketball). There's another name for those sports you need to learn - headcount sports. They are so aptly named because

You're right, there's obviously nothing capitalistic about the football programs at Ohio State, Alabama, Michigan, or Texas. The games are free to attend and broadcast, as they only serve to market the austere academic institutions they proudly represent. In fact, I can't think of a single example of a school making

where to start first off not everyone gets a full scholarship, most athletes don't, and they are not guaranteed against injuries etc. Furthermore they can be taken away year to year, and often fall short of expenses.…

You're not very smart are you?

I made no mention of the Ukraine crash here, because it's completely unrelated... I'm not sure what you're talking about?

I'm torn between my love of godlessness and socialism and my endless hatred for Joe Buck.

I was really annoyed to see that neither FOX nor MLB saw fit to pay tribute to Tony in any way... but honestly, I'm not surprised. My greatest fear for Tony was that his decision to stay in San Diego would lead to him being forgotten or dismissed by the greater sports world. That obviously didn't happen. When he

Oh, I get it. Because he is gay. That's is why your joke is funny.

Matt White was also a bust and that was before every GM had There is No Such Thing as a Pitching Prospect tattooed Thug Life-style across their gut.

Danny Ainge is a genius. He was able to pick up extra assets for a love deal while giving up absolutely nothing and gaining a first rounder. He can still move one or two of the many first rounders he has for another trade asset if he really has to to get a love deal done

Give up Andrew Wiggins, who has to stay in Cleveland for a while, for Kevin Love, who will leave Cleveland in a year? Brains.

I really wish the government would get out of sports by not forcing the Redskins to change their name, but also stay involved in sports by keeping gay people out.

Does it bother you that my side is winning and your side is losing, and for the rest of your life you have to be bitter and angry as "political correctness" takes over the world?

Just pulled that number right out your ass, huh?

Ever wondered why you don't see Hang a Nigger Beef Jerky on sale at your local 7/11?

"To determine otherwise means it is acceptable to subject to disparagement 1 out of every 3 individuals, or as in this case approximately 626,095 out of 1,878,285 in 1990."

Does anyone who is not an asshole still use the phrase "politically correct"?


A truly wise judge would have followed the example of Solomon, and ordered that Dan Snyder be cut in half.