The Sock of Ages

Neil Ty-SON!

Alas, I am not very good at the technical side. If you or anyone you know has the audio/visual skills, by all means make it happen.

Lack of funding is the short answer. At least, that explains the problems with homegrown research. Why foreign researchers aren't more involved is beyond me, though. Perhaps they prefer to stick to warmer waters or are not fans of ceviche and pisco sours.

I have been hearing reports that El NiƱo could be rising right now, which could explain why normally warm water dolphins are making their way into the usually cold waters off Peru. The potential significance of that, though, is beyond my expertise.

Sorry to post another, but...

Khal in the Family

It is known.

The Morgan Freeman voice kind of sounds like Will Ferrell doing James Lipton doing Morgan Freeman.

If I was one of those other crew members, my first thought would not have been chocolate...

And was almost as cool.

You know nothing, ian.eichenlaub.


We also know that certain Red Priests and Priestesses are capable of, let's say, altering the state of the dead. And if Jon Snow really is who Melisandre thinks he is, she would likely be inclined to make sure that Jon Snow does not stay dead.


Thanks for the tip! I just have to hope I'll have enough time.

The moonless night makes the stars pop out from the background, plumes of ash mingle with wisps of milky clouds as they sweep across the volcano's crater, and molten rock oozes blood-like from Tungurahua's angry peak.

Exactly. Hominin has essentially replaced the old usage of hominid, while hominid's use has been expanded to include the whole range of Great Apes, living and extinct.

Now playing

I wanted to make some sort of intelligent comment, but I couldn't do anything other than think about this scene.

Neil deGrasse Tyson caused the Great Red Spot. Jupiter knows what it did...

When antimatter comes into contact with Neil deGrasse Tyson... it turns into matter.