Social Injustice Warrior

It sounds like you’re basing a lot of your position on the criticisms of Amy, or lack thereof, on what is said on Jezebel. And Jez is neither representative of a wider mindset nor a wise choice in deciding where to gather unbiased opinions.

It’s funny how people so offended by labels are so into labels.

Sit down. I’m a poc. It’s fucking tiring that I have to say that everytime on here when I disagree with someone.

Some folks think that they have to find a fault or disagreement with everything, otherwise they are less objective.

I’m a just a boring standard issue Black dude, and I think she’s friggin’ HILARIOUS!

This black girl says gun control and continued funding of Planned Parenthood are not just White Feminist™ issues. Back it all the way up. Find something else to peg your criticisms of Amy Schumer to. There’s plenty.

Trevor Noah has two modes. “Funny” and “SJW”. He has yet to combine the two to make them funny, or perhaps the two cannot be in the same subject simultaneously.

I can’t take “womanist” or “humanist” or any of that parsing terms to minutely describe where you're political ideals lie seriously. It detracts from the greater conversation and puts the focus on language. It keeps people who agree with each other fighting over the details instead of rallying support together. It's

So it's not old when it pertains to you but is when it doesn't? Got it.

She’s also popular with some Black feminists/Womanists as well. My circle of friends will often forward her sketches around and I saw Trainwreck with a couple of my BF/Womanist friends (we liked it well enough, it was OK, not great).

The criticisms are old and tired though. Unless she’s done something recent to bitch her out for, I don’t see the point.

I’m a boring, standard issue white dude, but I like her because she’s funny.

Who here is using blackface? You’re stretching so far you broke.

They didn’t do anything wrong here. Get over it.

I think you are 100% correct. it is not offensive in anyway.

The paper also says that photos of the event—now evidently deleted—show people “with their foreheads covered in charcoal.”

You didn’t write #blacklivesmatter a single time in your comment. You’re not an ally, I bet you don’t even follow Ta-Nehisi Coates on Twitter your racist.

I’m going to need a trigger warning here, because as a child, I was once treated with complete indifference and I haven’t shaken the feeling.

“Sociological writing”... ie, blogging about how much you hate “White” people.

See, this is the confusion I have though... if someone had done that with George W. Bush (which I could totally see an artist doing), it would clearly be a satire of the man because he is president. The question here is if they are making fun of him just because he is president and happens to be black even down there