You are a nasty unattractive white feminist whose empowerment message is only in support of white mediocre middle class women like yourself?
You are a nasty unattractive white feminist whose empowerment message is only in support of white mediocre middle class women like yourself?
Sit down. I’m a poc. It’s fucking tiring that I have to say that everytime on here when I disagree with someone.
Oh really? Fuck her then. Not a fan of racist jokes here.
“I don’t like it! BAN IT!”
Yes, she obviously meant all white women, everyone who has ever and will ever exist. Maybe you have less social injustice to war against if you don’t interpret everything you read in bad faith and the worst of all possible lights.
#NotAllMuslims is pretty popular around here whenever there’s a terrorist attack, so I figured I’d join in with the #NotAll festivities.
If a child of any sex pours milk on another child or that child’s lunch/things, they should be disciplined.
I’ve never met an intelligent person who begins a sentence with “um.”
What makes you think I’m white or a woman?
You’re that dude who’s been making different accounts all over the place just to get the jezzies riled up byy poking holes in their reasoning
Well, thank you for accepting it.
Dude, you’re trolling more than I am, and my name couldn’t indicate “troll” any more than if it were “Troll von Troll McTrollington of the Clan Troll.”
Did you get lost on your way to Jalopnik or maybe Stormfront or Breitbart? That’s where your type should be.
Did you seriously get bent out of shape because someone made generalized critical statements about white women on another thread and then go on to make a derogatory blanket statement about atheists yourself?
We don’t know the boy’s mother and therefore have no reason to believe she’d lie about that.
The only proof of this supposed milk incident came from the boy’s mother. Read the article.
I don’t give a fuck about feminism, white feminism, or the fact you’re a guilt-ridden white biddy like the majority of the other commenters here. I just get a kick out of watching you stupid hens cluck at each other in your pathetic echo chamber of white liberal tears.
I’m just going to assume you’re another White asshole that I have to deal with. No biggie.