More correct.
More correct.
Hey, did anyone else trip over that massive straw man on their way in here?
Also relevant, the NBCCEDP did something like 150,000 Pap tests in 2015, for the same demographics of women that PP supporters act like only they help.
This isn’t technically true. The NBCCEDP provides free or low-cost cancer screenings to low-income and under/uninsured women (the ones that are generally pointed to as the group that needs PP for these services). I think they did something like 150,000 Pap tests in 2015. Acting like PP is the only source of cancer…
No, it doesn’t kill him. Narcissists have no concept of their own shortcomings. Everyone else has a problem, not him.
I love the “he inherited ____” narrative that all sides get to play about the presidency. Something bad? He inherited it from the guy before! Something good? He inherited that from the last guy I liked that held the office before he did! The logic is infallible and I always win!!
Did they give you permission to do such a shitty job copying and pasting the story? Does anyone proofread over there at Univision?
This really is some of the best shake powder I’ve tried. The ONLY thing that ruins it for me is the Stevia. I don’t understand why so many companies feel the need to include it in their powders. I would much rather sweeten with coconut milk than deal with the nastiness that is Stevia or other alternative sweeteners.
This really is some of the best shake powder I’ve tried. The ONLY thing that ruins it for me is the Stevia. I don’t…
Jesus. I wanted to watch the video, but the aggressive overuse of dip-to-black transitions made me question if I was blinking uncontrollably.
I could watch Bagwell baserunning highlights for hours.
What are you doing wasting your time on Deadspin? Go write the damn book!
What do you mean? They’ve been pretty consistent in going after people who blatantly rip off their design aesthetic. Where is the inconsistency?
You don’t get it. They don’t care that people are copying the game mechanics, they care that people are using CAH’s visuals and designs to profit by association. Look at the example in the article about the Crabs game.
Have we all agreed we just aren’t going to talk about Vader’s awful dad joke first scene? That we’re just going to be blown away by his second scene and pretend the “choke on your aspirations” line never happened? I’m okay pretending that. Let’s all agree to pretend.
Killing everyone was perfect, it was exactly what they needed to do. Make Rogue One a vignette that stands alone and tells a single story. Don’t over complicate it, don’t try and set it up to spin off into 3000 sequels. Tell a story, do it well, nailed it.
I’ve been telling people that it’s a better film than Force Awakens, but that FA is a better Star Wars film. If that makes any sense.
I’m barely not-crying in my office right now, thinking the exact same thing. Pop will break me, I know this.
Personally, I would rather just fix the broken math of it all and distribute the electoral college votes in a manner that makes sense instead of the arbitrary distribution we have now.
Halsey and Lana Del Rey should sing all the things.
As soon as that leaked Dark Tower trailer is officially released, you’ll be able to add it to this list.