The Snake Of Argument

Bert will start a "cat cafe"-style combination cupcake shop and pidgeonarium called Coopcake.


Once you go ⍢ℚ◈№⍣⍵℥,
You never go ℣⌱☎₪⅋‼

"Ain't no Bowies gonna bust no gousts!" - reddit, probably

Generally speaking, the public institutions (and related organizations) were the ones fighting it. Of course, there is always someone who wants to push their morality on others and welcomes the opportunity, but that goes against the values or free speech and equal access to knowledge they are supposed to be upholding.

Yes but no. CIPA is the reason why public entities that receive E-rate funding to subsidize their internet are required to have a porn filter. This was fought up to the Supreme Court because other things always end up getting blocked too. SC ruled that the law isn't illegal "as written" but could be a 1st Amendment

I'm laughing, but that might actually be a legitimate concern for her character.

Enterprise sort of played with that, not literally, but revealing that the Orion women are the ones in charge; that the men are totally subservient to them; that the dancing slave girl thing is just a honeypot ruse to let them get close to rich/powerful men who underestimate them and let down their guard.


My decision-making process for which shows get watched same-day versus "when I get around to it" is based almost entirely on which shows get coverage on AV Club (especially since TWoP died).

Neelix and Chill

The "punk version of the Ghostbusters theme" part is OK, but don't see myself running out to buy the soundtrack.

…wuf ment frothtin.

"Is that my grenade launcher, Reese?"

Damn, that's some good-ass cheese! Why didn't you tell me?

Your coins have holes in the middle? Vlad!