The Snake Of Argument

Gul Samar?

The worst kind are the Arson Owls - football hooligans and fire starters all in one, I tell ya.

Are you saying their vapors have the vapors?

Ynoa Eht Nioj

Hey, did they ever make Hypercolor flannel?

I had no idea there were Teletubbies in Sandleford Warren.

Wizard Wookie who travels by fireplace? Floobacca

I think that might be a misdirection. IIRC The Machine sent her to an old missile *silo* - the missile is implied but would it still even be there decades later? I suspect that the relevance is really the blast-proof bunkers; what does TM have stashed away down there?

You're The Wiener Now, Dog!

While modern/pop music wouldn't fit into the show itself, Racoon's No Mercy always makes me think of Game of Thrones.

Being gay/trans in an environment that violently opposes it is sink-or-swim training for performing a role that is not yourself.

Gordon Whig will scream and call you a donkey if you burn your John Tory.

duh dih dih duh
duh dih dih duh
duh dih dih duh

Ariel Vs. Sharktopus

Hey Boobies On TeleVision

Lego wins this battle by the sheer number of kids playing with them, but back when Radio Shack was more than a cell-phone store, DIP style microchips were far more insidious, in that they disappear into the shadows and are covered with razor-sharp points.

Build a Dyson Sphere and make it pay for itself.

"Fox 'n Hound!"

Unless you're somewhere that doesn't understand that "grilled onions" means caramelized, not raw onions that have been lightly charred.

If you're putting e-cigs on your burger, all is lost already.