The Snake Of Argument

Please also cover what users should do if they already have a Kinja account with the same username, especially if its one they are locked out of due to the ridiculous "burner" system's impossible passwords, or due to free sites like Google deleting accounts that go unused for a more than a few months (thereby freezing

Kinja's "we don't need no steenkin' moderation" system is garbage that specifically alienates new users and anyone who only speaks up when they have something to say. The "gold's and grey's" is just an admission that any site using it doesn't care about anything but the handful of users who have nothing else to do

I think that's a weird legal thing, or at least precedent with other lawsuits - it was there in the real world filming location so they don't have to get clearance or pay rights if they show it, but if they CGI it out or replace it with another ad, *then* they get in trouble and have to pay up. I remember somebody

The complaint I've heard from doctors about Medicare/Medicaid isn't the reimbursement rate so much as the reimbursement time; saying that they are slower to pay than the slowest insurance. How much of that is due to bureaucracy versus trying to make the doctors float them interest-free loans, I don't know.

In her later years, she did a Retro cookbook called Kitschannette

No, GSM is originally a European standard ("Groupe Spécial Mobile"). Some carriers like AT&T that do global business use a modified version of GSM in the US but it isn't compatible due to being on different frequency bands (there are some global-market phones with dual-band radios though). There are some other hacks

He's The Face Of Bo-ama?

You're reading more into this than I said. Questioning a decision based on bad information is not the same as trying to force someone into doing something they don't want to.

Only about double once you adjust for inflation, but yeah. Blowing a million dollars on a deleted scene probably didn't help. I still can't see how that dance number could have cost that much.

I'm not sure I even saw much in the way of marketing (although that's more on me for avoiding ads, but still) but I saw plenty of "watch this movie because you hate women if you don't", Feig calling people who thought the trailer sucked "Trump supporters", etc.

- The number of people who didn't see this movie because they don't pay that much attention to the world around them and thought the negative hype was legitimate and not driven by people who wanted it to fail.

"Did you ever weigh yourself, and then go and eat a whole beef log, and then weigh yourself again? Heh - me and Boo Boo Kitty used to do that…"
— Space Ghost

You know what I always say, nothing livens up a Robotic Hymn of Doom like an amazing pair of jugs!

Immoral women? In my lunch special?

This is cool, but I was sort of expecting it to be the guy who juggles inside a cone:

♫ Dancin' on ass! ♫

Regular won't work; you have to sawdust for vomit.

I can't imagine real hard rockers wanting a MIDI vibrator; that's more for the EDM crowd.


"Ken Burns will offer a moving new documentary"