The Snake Of Argument

Bust Supporting Actress (or Best Actress-Supporting)

Kanye Core

If there's anything I've learned from the SciFi Channel, it's that Planet Vancouver has some fantastic houses on it.

Just like the Gypsy Queen signed!

Is "armature porn" like "Oh baby, wind those coils tighter! Rub my varnish off and watch the sparks fly!" ?

That doesn't mean he had permission to share it.

Great Research, Internet!

It's been suggested before, but now that they have a baby-Machine and a baby-Samaritan hooked up together in the Faraday cage, with Root suggesting that they might need to give the Machine some Samaritan-like capabilities to win, I'm pretty sure the story ends with them merging into some new hybrid system.

It looks like Monday's episode is also going to run long by a few minutes. DVR accordingly.

"Here's some juvenile shit jokes - wait, let me puke on them first…"

"produce a contractually obligated album (which we all know are the best
ones artistically!) that people are going to boycott and refuse to buy."

Glitches in The Matrix mean they changed something.

Now I've got this weird mental picture of Ramsey trying to torture Tree Trunks and ending up stabbing his own ears out to make it stop. The apple-flaying might be a factor.

Kopi Luwak, which sounds like something Letterman would carefully enunciate 4 or 5 times in a row, trying to optimize the audience reaction.

They introduced the concept by having some J. Random Richman doing it.

Yeah, I knew I was different from other kids right away, but that was the autism not Teh Gay - which made for a lot of awkward social mimicry trying to like girls, right up until the hormones kicked in around 6th grade. Then it was like someone grabbed my head, turned it and said "Hey, look at that boy over there!"

Attila & the Huns of Anarchy

I had to rewind that - "the dog ad-libbed!"

Are you saying he's a bad eugoogle eyes 'er?

Nobody cares about your weirdest boner right now.