The Snake Of Argument

I assumed she wanted her to name Ser Meryn Trant, the guy she got blinded as punishment for killing over personal vengeance.

Eh, I was leaving anyway - I'm late for chvrch.

Just a Giant Gila Monster in the path.

As long as we don't have to go back to the lab…

I don't know, the card term "trump" comes from the French word "trompe" meaning to deceive or trick (hence that term) so…

What about the kids show, Snake and the Neverland Pirates?

1000 years comedy dungeon… in France.

IRL I think that's cover-up makeup on the actor's facial tattoos.

I'll admit, my eyes did linger on that little 30mm fan, just dangling there, all seductive like. Refreshing like a cool breeze…

*runs out of the room crying*

OK *that* makes more sense, especially in the context of "feels safe to come out".

"It's so hard to tell these days… I thought Graham Norton was straight!"

According to the American educational system, 1 in 5 may actually BE 5% if you have sufficient faith that it is.

"Ringo is disappointed to find
No one needs him anymore except for the vibe
'Cause he's been sampled
Part of the 'Great Drummers Sampled' series
Available for £9.99 from your local corner shop
Compatible with your cheapest possible computer
And the irony is… it plays in time"

Yeah, I cringed more at "its overclocking" than at the kneecaps.

Free newspaper.

That's got to be a strain on someone's wrists.

We don't speak of season 3.

"Sugar-free Gummi bears are NOT equivalent to prune juice!"