The Snake Of Argument

"The Gargling Gargoyle Trio gargles Gershwin (in the original Klingon)."

Starsqueen turns into a fabulous jet.

You might be thinking of "Xeth".

"Didn't I see you at my yoga class last week, in Zac Efron?
(That's a place, right?)"

Those old heathens!

I'm guessing they were trying to downplay the "mating" angle for the cartoon series, just like they simplified the names Hyzenthlay to Primrose, and El-ahrairah to El-arah (which is easier for kids to say but basically reverses the meaning, making him "chief of the predators"). I want to say the reason for getting

Where the Red Fern Grows / Summer of the Monkeys already has built-in franchise potential!

Especially egregious in the TV series - lets take a song about dying of a blinding plague and use it as the theme for a weekly kids show.

That's a Cheap Trick.

Great, now I'm hungry for giant Fritos and bean dip, and I don't even like bean dip!

I wish I had a recording of the time they did a piece on global warming and illustrated it with a (muted) clip of Al Gore from "Inconvenient Truth" that had been digitally flipped so it looked like he was gesturing at a giant chart that was trending down. Never mind that all the text was backwards; "all that fancy

Kablam! Kazaa! Murder! - The Lars Ulrich Story

It was only called The Jungle Book in the first place because of an American copyright conflict with Upton Sinclair.

Cows are much easier to tip if you load them up with Goldschläger first - it is known.

Just have your candle-lit dinner outdoors at a picnic table or something. You can even arrange the desserts around them for an after-dinner show. I mean, who doesn't love a good cordite-flavored crème brûlée?

Did you happen to see Claudia Christian's cameo on Castle? I don't even remember what episode it was, but it was something to the effect of: castle castle castle castle IVANOVA castle castle - it was jarring to say the least. Like, wow it's great to see you, but damn you've outclassed your surroundings to an

How soon the KFC Frak Pak is forgotten…

Good call - DS9 choices started to spiral into "all of them" and so I quit while I was ahead, but yeah you can't split Londo/G'kar any more than Quark/Odo; individually great but what a combo.

Dear god, just don't drink it!

Maybe not fair to pick roles that have only been played by one person, but since I don't see any mention of these anywhere: