The Snake Of Argument

Early adopters always get screwed on the price.

Oh, that would be pluperfecta.


Mother Jones already did it:

The workers remodeling the unit under mine left their air compressor plugged in, so all night long it would kick in every few hours and rumble the whole building for a minute or so until it topped up the tank pressure. At first I thought it was odd they were still working at 9:45 - I finally figured out what was


He's the dog now, man…

*THE* Bitches The?

It's Dr. Faxo - the rock'n'roll fax machine.

Yeah buddy!



Fry em like a squirrel, Shirl.
Crack em like a clam, Sam.
Watch em with a camera, Tamara.
Frame em like a rat, Pat.

Plus, in a movie that features Seth McFarlane, how the hell does Hugh Jackman end up cast in the chin-balls role? I mean, did the Farrelly's think about it and go "…no, too meta"?

I… actually like this.

Never Forget

Jacques N. Haggard?

As opposed to the other other Jungle Book movie, deceptively titled Pete's Dragon.

Hollywood had better check their toilets before they sit down, I'm just sayin'…

"Little bastard shot me right in the ass!"