This means O’Connor is a citizen. He’s voted, paid taxes and has a social security number
This means O’Connor is a citizen. He’s voted, paid taxes and has a social security number
He doesn’t need to wait, he needs to get an attorney and sue their dumb asses, ASAP. Or better yet, move out of Tennessee.
do the most american thing possible. Sue the living piss out of the TN DMV.
Good thing he wasn’t born in New Mexico, those idiots would have deported him on the spot. <facepalm>
He’s really going to be mad when he gets deported and has to live out his days in Winnipeg.
Had to do a double take, I thought this was a story on the Onion
He does seem to trend towards being the same cut of the douche bag cloth.
well if he doesnt pull the vaporware stunt (again), how can he pump the stock price (again) before he sells more stock at record highs (again) while somehow still dodging pump and dump charges from the SEC (AGAIN).
“You’d have to be a different breed of stupid”
LOL. You took that interview right outta my mouth.
One of my old spots, the founding CEO stepped down (after taking a ~$100k seed to an 8 figure acquisition in under 10 years) and the new CEO brought on by the new owners slashed like 50% of the engineering team - myself included. (Got a killer severance and had another gig before my WARN days were up; so I was getting…
“I was fired by Elon Musk.”
“When she pushed back, he not only fired her but also got rid of her entire team at the same time.”
Tinucci was one of few high-ranking female Tesla executives. She recently started reporting directly to Musk
He reminds me of a company I worked for, revenue was down so they fired the entire sales team. Yes they were paid a lot but they brought in 60% of our revenue, the place was sold about six months later.
I simply cannot imagine working my ass off, then being told that the world’s richest man (give or take) has just doubled my workload (with no pay bump) because he child-like reflexively fired colleagues for shits and sexism and minor cost savings.
“I see that you were fired from your last job.”
Knowing it was a tantrum makes the most sense. It’s the, “I’m so tough I can kick myself in the nuts!” philosophy. That and I assumed he figured he could hire many of them back at lower pay.