
This isn’t alarming news at all. The eight they launched last year were out of a total 14 planned launches. In 2014 they planned 16. Here is a chart showing this. Planned are in blue, launches are in orange. I predict 2016 won’t be any different.

I’m all for showing your fandom, but that’s really over the line.


i see alot of anger going towards Steam and i understand and would liked it if steam responded earlier, but please don’t throw your anger at steam throw your anger at the fucking idiots that Dos attacked steam they are the ones to be angry at

Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.

You know? For once, I’m gonna just give it to ‘em. I believe it already; please, no video.

I, for one, look forward to six hour long football games with 4 1/2 hours worth of commercials.

It means they’ve done a great job crate-training Gronk.

We’ll all be telling our grandkids where we were when Dallas won that one game in November that one season.

Tom, maybe you didn’t watch the video, but the Ravens were offsides. It’s a free play, and the results count only if the Rams want them to — the Rams accepted the penalty, so nothing that happened the last play actually happened. No play, no concussion. Case closed.

We need a version of Pinkham’s Law for wrenching articles, along the lines of “how long before a) someone recommends HF tool X, and b) some dildo jumps in and claims “HF stuff is crap.” Bonus points if said dildo then recommends a vanity-plated alternative that costs 10x or more.

It can turn invisible and it can go mach 10

That’s the head count in metric.

Because flying over them years ago would have prevented China from building them up? Nonsense.

I think the real news is that Putin is working on a USS Enterprise. :D

It's not your fault.

Wait, “Assholes” are a considered a protected class now?

Convert from suck to Mega Maid?