The Hertz bankruptcy saga is still ongoing. Not only does the company have to pay lenders $650 million to remain…
The Hertz bankruptcy saga is still ongoing. Not only does the company have to pay lenders $650 million to remain…
Yu said it, pal.
Revenge is a Darvish best served cold.
There’s a theory floating around this has to do with the 1936 throwback jerseys they wore on Sunday. (Black players were still banned in ‘36) Last week, there were some seemingly innocuous comments from Nagy about the “lively discussion” going on in the locker room about the jerseys. It’s bizarre, but possible, Smith…
Well this is just a preposterous take that I will absolutely oblige.
For paying an extra $5 of allowance money, I let my kids choose their seats in the van (third row only, 28" seat pitch). And if they got a good progress report, I’ll even let them bring an extra carryon bag with guaranteed space (on the roof rack, that is).
if they’re looking for candidates, i know a guy who has a baseball background as a player and a business background as an exec for a video game company. he’s also got a real handle on social media and can probably procure state funding like a badass.
Should have been holding a 1-iron.
*tips hat*
*mansplains something*
They are only about 40 miles apart, so not too far off.
No, this is poetic:
Hell should be further up.
At the top of a beanstalk. Also they are required to add “FOFUM” to the end of their name.
They were actually chanting Jerry to get the attention of Reinsdorf, so maybe he could sign a free agent that can hit.
Remember to tithe your bartender!
The context is that Yu Darvish fucked up three guys with a magic fastball
refrigerators are getting bigger, yet they invent stuff like this where we need fewer items? Here’s one for all you for free: Sapper. (Salt + pepper). Maybe too: Cream and sugar = Creagar? or Sugam? or Coffeemate? What if we mixed peanut butter and jelly Huh? Kickstarter just waiting!
Too many toes and a hard tackle. Rex Ryan just soaked his beanbag chair
Farquhar is just happy to be alive, since he seemed to know something like this would happen, saying in the interview “Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.”
When asked if he was still experiencing side effects, Farquhar said, “I used to smell onions, but that’s all ogre now.”