
you know the theory if a butterfly flaps it’s wings a hurricane happens on the other side of the globe. Replace butterfly with Obama in Buzz’s case.

Sadly, everyone can be nasty.

Seriously you can’t go a single day without linking an article to your own twisted hatred of Obama, I think you need help.

I’m not sure that’s true. The last Liberal and Conservative governments in Canada (neglecting Paul Martin, as he wasn’t in office long enough to make a judgement) do conform to that stereotype: under Harper, budgets grew and Canada adopted a more unilateral foreign policy, and it leveraged force; under Chretien,

A few years ago, I loaned a friend money every so often when he was in a rut.

Speed hole. For speed.

You’re an idiot. This is by no means an indication that Patrick Kane is guilty. Victims of sexual assault decline to cooperate with prosecutors investigators all the time, and it almost never has to do with the actual guilt of the alleged perpetrator. It’s almost always, as appears to be the case here, the stress of

You guys are really in a führer over this.

What, Samer?

He hadn’t shown sufficient leadership at that point.

For timeline’s sake, I don’t think Trestman “lost” the Bears at that point. They were already lost. The Ratliff incident came in the last week of last season, with reports of the Bears’ hatred of Trestman already well documented months prior.

Those ships are huge, the smallest being larger than most cruisers. Russia has a knack for packing serious firepower on every ship from the tiny little Matka-Class Missile boat through the Kirov-Class.


This wasn’t even the most political moment of the night. Pagano had his entire punting unit act out the chaos of the Speakership race.

Jim Brandstader also calls Lions games. He is a goddam pro at avoiding four-letter-words.


Don’t worry, he didn’t switch off his targeting computer.

Oh, I was just watching you fill up the hot water dispenser at work.

Promo Code:

No sweat, Cam’s backup is even already getting ready in case Hochuli rips his arm off.