
There are plenty of tech stocks that are up. Did you mean that Twitter is the only stock in your app that’s up? Stop trying incite panic, we have enough of that right now.

This person is a hero

since this is a tech site i thought for sure there was technology involved. nope, just a plastic model that looks like technology.

..... after reading this i think you should do us all a favor and not vote..... or reproduce.

This isn’t a bug. This is the Make America Great Again DLC pack for the Sims.

“What kind of economics is this?”

That’s not how you call the police . . .

Man, am I freaked out right now. After reading this article I’ve tested many of the items in my home and found that none of the ones that do not have the ability to place phone calls can dial 911. Not even my toaster.

Don’t expect Alexa to put on the red light, her days are over, she doesn’t have to sell herself to the night.

Attn. Facebook:

Jesus Christ we fucking suck as a country.

(Whisper - can you explain it to me please? ‘Cos I don’t understand what’s happening in the picture).

No. There is no more Note 7. Just buy something else.

So.... should I resubmit my order or.....

I know man ... can’t lose any value on that corolla

Also, notice in the video they never show it not murdering people in their sleep. What are they hiding?

He blocked me when I replied “Bet you’re going to celebrate with a bunch of cocaine”