I don’t know if my father supports Trump or not, because I haven’t spoken to him or my mother in 5 years, for reasons that predict the high likelihood that they are Trump supporters.
I don’t know if my father supports Trump or not, because I haven’t spoken to him or my mother in 5 years, for reasons that predict the high likelihood that they are Trump supporters.
Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.
I saw a really great meme on Instagram but can’t find it now.
My paternal genetic donor who is a trump supporter loves going on about the articles he reads on Facebook like they are the holy grail of knowledge.
But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.
“That’s been around forever. If you keep reporting on it, it’s going to grow like a cancer,” Paula said. “If you forget about it, it’s probably going to go away. The media has to hop on everything and it’s wrong.”
I can’t even be friends with a 26 year old.
I’m with Fool. Taylor Swift always seems stuck at age 16... a textbook case of arrested development. The chronically-attached gaggle of silly BFF’s doesn’t help. And, seriously, what grown-ass man wants anything to do with all that? None of which I know. But if an association with a silly girl-woman is supposed to…
For comparison, their age difference is smaller than Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, but for some reason I don’t find them as creepy. Maybe because Blake Lively seems more like a real adult.
I feel like he wore this face the entire weekend in Rhode Island.
What grown man (or woman, for that matter) doesn’t run for the hills at the mere utterance of “Selena Gomez concert?”
goddamn brilliant.
~hello darkness, my old friend~
Last week had the only true spoiler moment, and the person it revolved around tweeted it immediately after the episode.
You’ve had two God damn months to get to the point where you know he’s alive, he’s back by episode 2. If you haven’t caught up by now it’s on you. Hell, how the fuck did you even avoid that “spoiler”? Half the internet lost it’s mind when they found out and it was plastered everywhere.