
Mathnet. I loved Mathnet. Came on PBS during the day.

I can confirm the 10 episode run. Kari and Tory repeated the info at the Gonzoroo panel last night at DragonCon.

Steven Universe stans are the worst. They are worse than Bronys at this point. They all need to take their meds and go to their cave, because WTF.

Can Trendacosta just go ahead and have a column called “Katherine Trendacosta Hates Everything"?

I wouls enjoy it if she liked anything. Yes, she’s honest, but it really does seem like she just rates everything “Meh."

Yeah, seems like she never likes anything. And as a critic, when that perception happens... maybe she should step back a bit and evaluate why she doesn’t like anything. Just a suggestion.

I looooooove this song and Vibes!

Dany is his aunt.

Jesus Christ. It’s a goddamn tv show. The episode from last week would be a spoiler, not that Jon Snow is alive. What the hell? I know what happens on all sorts of shows because internet, and I watch less than half of them. I just don’t understand this mentality. It’s stupid.

No, it’s off. Not happening.

Marvel’s Most Wanted did not get picked up, so, sadly, we won’t be seeing anything from it.

I heart you. ❤

That shit works both ways.


Dude, stop.

Wtf is wrong with you? Does your mama know you say shit like this?

Dude, wtf? Stop being gross.


I second this. I need her to stay on the show and for the writers to not suck next year. But with a move to Vancouver, I don’t know if she will even want to do that. *sigh* . And will they have the budget to do Martian Manhunter justice? Lots of questions and I hope the show runners are able to figure it out.

I am on board with all of your guesses except Finn being at the Jedi Academy. At the beginning of the film, when he helps Poe and they identify him, there is a hologram that pops up of Finn as a toddler, leading more to the conclusion that the First Order raised him from a baby. So, I think him being a Jedi at all is