Ummm, you’re leaving someone out, are you not?
Ummm, you’re leaving someone out, are you not?
This is the Patriots. If the former is true, how could the latter be true?
Ah, THERE you are!
Egg on his FACE? No wonder he didn’t succeed.
The win over UT was pretty flukey.
No. Cub fans have always been worse.
You scurvy dog!
I remember when Templeton got fined for gesturing at StL fans who were booing him by grabbing his crotch. One of my favorite Cardinals moments.
Agreed but Cubs fans are worse.
Gee, thank you for letting me know that Jews don’t believe Jesus is the son of God. Now where do Muslims stand on Ganesh?
It’s actually a fancy ass-dildo.
She’s so goyish she thinks Irving Berlin is a Jewish neighborhood in Germany.
Well, yeah, given that Jesus was Jewish.
Well, Jesus was a lot more like a Jew.
Winfrey has always been and always will be entirely full of shit.
He can be a jerk but damn, he was a great baseball play-by-play guy.
I hate the Cubs, too. But fuck right off; Brewers fans gave human pimple Josh Zader a standing O, supporting him when his Nazi tweets surfaced. “Defect” is the operative word. Milwaukee is fine but most of the Brewers fans are from the suburbs and adjacent counties. I know them. Those people love Walker and Ryan and T…
This is bizarre to me because literally every kid in my third-grade class in 1968 knew that pro wrestling was fake, including the three or four who were big fans. And no one doubted the veracity of of Darwin’s theories. This was at a catholic school! How did we get more stupid?
More than half of asshole Cubs fans are from rural Illinois and Iowa so this is a good fit.