
I can't change how you feel… all I can say is that as a fan of Batman, I wholeheartedly love Batman Begins and have watched it often. I think it's almost perfect, save for the lackluster Katie Holmes.

He's got the Superman look, but I can't quite imagine him as Clark Kent… even with Dick Whitman in his resume.

But that's the beauty of Batman, the character works in zany stories as well as fairly realistic ones… such as the unassailable Batman: Year One, which not coincidentally, was a formative influence on Batman Begins.

I think you guys need to meet somewhere in the middle here. And maybe go on a honeymoon trip.

Hire a sex worker… wait, scratch that. Hire a sex therapist or sex surrogate. This is not based on my experience, I'll admit. I just remembered a podcast episode about it, you might wanna give it a listen:…

Ask her out to the breakfast spot. Do it casually, don't make it seem like a big deal. If she begs off, say that you'd like to hang out some time if she's up for it, and get her deets. You're not Facebook buds? Add her on social media somewhere, chat her up regularly. (I chatted with The Sexy Ninja a lot on FB long

I do think it would have been much more appropriate if she had bound them and kept them chained someplace for eternity. But Diana had been in training her whole life for this single purpose, so I'd call it a reasonable outcome. Diana's epiphany is that her mission is not over despite fulfilling her purpose, because

There is a difference between fighting soldiers who are actively in combat (as well as occupying the Belgian village), and the summary execution of a hapless non-combatant, even if they were responsible for weapons development. Diana is a warrior, not an executioner.

Once again, I'll ask for alternative (and if possible, non-Western) recommendations for my non-white, non-Western but English-speaking daughter (who is now 8). Again, this is not a knock on Western children's lit, it's just that I am already familiar with a lot of Western children's books. We're in the middle of James

Just gonna reiterate my stance that Black Widow would be a better fit for a gritty Netflix series than the current MCU filmverse. It's unlikely, but a man can dream.

But who else is gonna do these things with such panache? As much as I love Jackie Brown, we do have other good directors working in that more grounded style.

Yeah, audiences were expecting another Pulp Fiction… and so was I, back then. But I've since revisited Jackie Brown and it's become my favorite Tarantino joint. It's a remarkable blend of elegant tone poem and cheap, brutal thriller.

It's the first step in Walmart's plan to become Worldwide Pants.

It's not as bad as that, certainly. And I get why Lady Snowblood has fans, I'm just not one of them. And perhaps the hype was to blame. A lot of people have lauded it, but when I finally watched it, I was disappointed. Coz a good chunk of it is corny melodrama, rather than gritty glorious ultraviolence.

It's called "suspension of disbelief" — and if the movie is good enough, suspension of disbelief shouldn't even be an issue.

The Girl Who Grew Out Her Nails

Tarantino is, essentially, sampling, but also using it to create new works of art on their own right. If hip-hop artists can get a pass for that, why can't he?

Tastes differ, of course. I just see Snowblood as a gritty revenge flick with an art-film pretentiousness that it doesn't earn. Compare it to, say, A Bittersweet Life, another artsy revenge flick.

You know Andy? Awesome, he's a friend of mine. His docus verge on amateurish, but they're charming and entertaining. Probably moreso than the Weng Weng films, not unless you're a few brewskies in.

I'll mention the obscure "They Call Her Cleopatra Wong" that may have been an influence as well. I won't say that it's a good movie, but watching it will earn you film nerd points!