
I gotta say, I don't get the love for Lady Snowblood. It's a bad movie, albeit an interesting one to watch. It's got that overwrought Japanese approach to genre fare that at times, nearly tips it into being an art film, yet at the same time, it often feels as stiff and rote and unintentionally goofy as a late night

You can use the bard mechanics without applying the bard flavor. In 5e, the bard is a great spellcaster class, as well as the natural face of the party. When I played a bard, he quickly became the leader of the group, as he handled all the wheeling and dealing, diplomacy, speeches, and talking your way out of sticky

Hang in there. It can be tough… I've been there. Had a long dry spell as far as relationships go, and the few women I did end up dating didn't take long to dump me. I often felt that there was something wrong with me. But I brushed that off, stopped thinking about the dating scene, and focused on other pursuits…

Point is, do we have to bring up this poor actress's early career choices all the time? It's not like she lost the right to be considered a legitimate actress.

And yet seldom do we ever see Sylvester Stallone introduced as "former porn actor Stallone"….

It was pretty forgettable for such a weird movie. That soundtrack, tho. I had it in rotation for a few years.

That is the very definition of privilege. He doesn't have to do it. He shouldn't do it. But he does it coz all his life, he's seen it as normal male bonding behavior.

Had no idea you got a kitten! We adopted two new kittens… I'm dying of cuteness overload.

Boggles the mind why she even had to ask Savage about it. Journal snooping AND illicit videotaping? Run far, far away!

Brad and Jane on Happy Endings?

Honestly, Guardians of the Galaxy is the bigger offender here. Would it have killed them to come up with a couple of alien conversations?

Shazam? Give us Blue Beetle and Booster Gold!

I've actually never seen it, I just find saying "War Horse!" pretty funny.

Hey, their wardrobe doesn't pay for itself!

Well, there's Watchmen, where everyone just about gets beaten in some way, by the end. And I know that it's not a superhero story, but it does have Dr Manhattan, a character more powerful and indestructible than Superman has ever been.

I can't help but wonder… when did you decide on that username?

Yeah, they leave that kind of thing to squirrels.

Sansa was never raised to think that she would rule her House or be anything more than some lord's wife…. seems a stretch that she would have the ambition to be Queen of the North. Guess we'll see.

It's hard to agree that Orlando Bloom could be vital to anything….

I take it you're no fan of Roald Dahl.