
Maybe you could ask them to write a reaction essay on this Vox piece: "I'm a black Southerner. I had to go abroad to see a statue celebrating black liberation."

Stan Lee was instrumental in making comics the pop culture phenomenon they are today. Comics had no value back then! They were not collectibles, not art, they were lower than pulp magazines. Lee had his faults, but he deserves a great deal more credit than you give him. He created some of the greatest characters in

Glitch the Game. It's not really a game, it's more of an alternative lifestyle. That doesn't exist anymore. I'm sad that I'll never talk to any of those people again, and I have no idea who they are in real life anyway.

It was not as simple as that. Lee could have done more to fight for creators, but that kind of fucking over was above his pay grade… he was not the one instigating that kind of thing, in fact he believed in the Marvel Bullpen family and tried to keep it a happy family. Of course, he failed, and he was guilty of being

Well, we all know Steve Wozniak did most of the work, yet Apple would not be Apple without Steve Jobs. And Marvel would not be Marvel without Stan Lee.

You really should read Marvel: The Untold Story.

You know why he won't condemn them? You know how he gets folders full of positive things people say about him twice a day? I figure that these fascists are probably quoted in those files a lot. So of course Trump loves 'em!

Congratulations on reaching two years! And I'd like to say that you're one of the most worthwhile commenters round these parts. Hope we'll still see you around!

Does it have to be US Current Events?

I liked the Watchmen movie, too. I don't think it's a good adaptation of Watchmen, which is leagues ahead of the film in terms of substance and artistry. But the film is enjoyable. It does annoy me that Rorschach is presented as someone to root for, definitively and that Nite Owl and Silk Spectre are depicted as

There's an excellent AskHistorians reddit thread that goes into how the Spartans' reputation of military prowess is largely exaggerated mythmaking, though with a kernel of truth. If anyone wants to read the thread, it's here:…

Ugh, no. Just thinking of what he would do with the vagina dentata scene alone… PASS

There's a lot of sociopolitical depth in Diamond Age… or rather, there would be if Stephenson bothered to dig deeper into the rich veins he unearths and then mostly leaves alone. Stuff such as the East-West conflict, the withholding of the Seed (phrasing!) technology, Confucianism in a post-Feed society, how to raise

Sounds like you're talking about the concept of "social value" and yes, it is something that can help you with the ladies. But by no means is it the only measure of a man that matters. I wouldn't try to generalize about women, or what will help you in romantic pursuit. For some women, it's enough to simply be in your

Y'all are forgetting that '97 saw the release of Chris Farley's magnum opus, and one of the greatest films of all time, Beverly Hills Ninja.

Monica has worked with a lot of cooks and kitchen staff…. that's gotta be a rough crowd. Phoebe, in comparison, must seem harmlessly quirky.

Aniston's pretty, but even if we're only talking '90s television… well, there was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twin Peaks, and… uh, Baywatch, I guess?

You may have a rose-colored view of academia. My mother was a professor. A university department is a snake pit.

How about a slight amendment? Get Rid of Imps, Nuke Dorne, Revenge!

Shavin' Wookie?