
Exasperated upvote.

Look, if everyone on this show is a secret Targaryen, that would be a bigger letdown than the Sand Snakes.

Really? I check the Marvel Future Fight subreddit every day and I haven't noticed a lot of toxicity.

I never see those assholes on the subreddits I frequent, thankfully. Even popular subs like AskScience and AskReddit rarely have any crap comments from those dickwads (in the top threads, at least).

There's a part of Jaime that simply wants to crush his enemies so that he can be the victor who writes history, and remake himself as a hero… coz let's face it, there is no other way that his reputation will ever be saved. Of course, he's deluded that he can influence Cersei to be a better ruler than the Mad King, and


I've defended Jaime on these boards many times, particularly when he captured Riverrun. I'm not saying he's a bad guy. Jaime is more complex than that. But "fundamentally decent" is a stretch too far. Ned Stark at his worst would never have done what Jaime did to Bran… which led to Ned's undoing in S1. Jaime has a

A fundamentally decent guy? Who tosses kids out of windows?

Euron being everywhere at once is getting old fast.

I guess I'll cut him a little slack, coz, listen: Brandon Stark has come unstuck in time.

Although it's really Euron and Jaime winning most of the battles for Cersei. I'll give her the crafty manipulation of the Iron Bank envoy.

Pretty sure that Buffy didn't have the budget for either trained or CGI wolves. I mean, look at their werewolves!

Good on him that he can admit that it is a problem, which is more than other pervs would do. But it's a simple goddamn solution… be a mature adult and learn some self-control, dammit!

"All one can really do is gape in wonder and puzzlement… as these two humanitarians… have a hell of a time… fucking after a funeral. Penn, meanwhile, flails… through the brutality of an impossible love… shared by a man… wait for it, wait for it… and that other Sean Penn."

People poke holes in your logic, and so they're automatically angry pitchfork-wielders? Hmmm… oh, I get it, you're trying to fill squares in Passive-Aggressive Bingo!

The point is that such things are ancillary to Tolkien's project, and that's all right, coz Lord of the Rings is perfectly fine without an in-depth examination of logistics. And there's a helluva lot more mythology that doesn't go into logistical details than the reverse.

Dragonstone's not in the North, so it's not like Mel is disobeying Jon's orders… giving him no honorable reason to kill her (yet).

It's the North, though… he may technically be the heir, but Bran being crippled and subject to "fits" and probably unable to have kids makes it easier for the lords to pass him over… not that he'd want to rule the North, anyway.

Where else is Jaime gonna go? He has no friends aside from Brienne, and the North would never welcome him. He's in an awful position, but he has no other great options. His best bet is to keep Cersei from doing too much damage or messing things up, and to be able to influence her, he has to stay on her good side.

When will it be Dickon's time to shine?