
Not looking like a killer sounds like a pretty good trait for a spy to have….

I dunno why, but the gf and I found that scene gruesomely comedic, even though we're both pansy movie watchers in most instances. Still, we've found a lot of The Americans upsetting…. a certain shocking death in a Russian prison comes to mind.

Dennings is so good in her small part in the lackluster Thor flicks… she deserves much better.

Sure, but just to take one example… Giffen and DeMatteis struck gold when they shifted the JLA from save-the-world stories and went for a more sitcommy approach. I think that this particular iteration of GotG would do well to play to its strengths, rather than conforming to what's expected for… reasons.

The Sovereign were shown speaking to each other in English in scenes without Peter. Truth to tell, the use of English didn't bother me in the first film, but it felt like a misstep in this one for some reason.

In this case, they already had personal stakes in Peter's story… what was the point of a failed attempt escalating them to galactic proportions?

There are more creators than ever before, and they're getting their characters and concepts out there on not-so-mainstream media, such as webcomics. Sure, they may not all be coming out with multi-million dollar properties, the odd Hellboy or Scott Pilgrim aside, but I wouldn't make that the sole determinant of the

It's a fun hangout movie, but these tiresome "save the galaxy" plots have to go. They barely even tried to make the audience care about millions of planets dying. How about next time, we just go to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe or something?

It really goes off the rails… but it's one of the few movies to carry that unique Marvel comic book tone combining overwrought pathos, colorful action and goofy supervillains!

Yeah, rather than the film itself turning into an Abomination!

Well, it probably landed Ang Lee the Hulk gig… which ended up derailing slow-burn drama takes on comic book movies, at least until Logan. (For the record, I like two-thirds of Hulk, before it turns into incoherent nonsense.)

This was one of the big discussion topics on The Dissolve when they covered Crouching Tiger. My take on it is that, like Heat, this is really a movie about relationships. It's possibly a better drama than it is a wuxia, but that's what piqued Western audiences' interest. Michelle Yeoh gives a performance for the ages,

Tool is industrial math rock, whatever the fuck that means!

I'd say Sean Bean could've carried several seasons as the center of an ensemble show about the politics of a feudal kingdom, akin to I, Claudius…. but they went for something more cutting-edge.

Just saw Guardians, it's a lot of fun. The weird thing is that I don't really get a sense of space opera grandeur from it. It lands the quiet moments… Gamora sitting silently in a field is one of my favorite scenes… but the big, explosive spectacles leave me unmoved. I kinda wish they would ditch all the "save the

Have you been to Kuala Lumpur? Then you might get what I mean. At least Singapore keeps around Tanjong Pagar. Now, imagine that all of the Tanjong Pagars in the world were demolished for blocks of high rise condos….

I hate the soulless high-rises that keep going up and ruining the unique character of the city… all of the cities.

Clearly she was a sex slave being forced to pleasure others… and now I've ruined everyone's fun here.

Honeypot operation. Create a fake Tinder profile, message X and see if he takes the bait. Then confront him with the proof.

Oh, you're talking about Lois? Really not what I was going for. Though I will say that it's hard to beat Dana Delaney's version. She's basically support, though, I don't see her working out on her own. That would be like Felicity Smoak or Cisco anchoring their own spin-off series.