
Jeez, you're a hard sell. What do you find memorable? Have you watched The New Frontier?

I dunno if this is hyperbole, but Duterte is not a dictator. If we're gonna be bashing Trump for egregious inaccuracy, it's probably good for us to get the facts straight on our part.

Can't help you with that, but I can highly recommend All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. Doesn't matter if you're not a big fan of Supes, it's an amazing book and a must-read. If you want the quick version, there's an animated film of the same name that's also really good… much better than other

The odd thing is that Duterte is trying to transition the country into a Federalist government, which will actually reduce the power of the presidency. The guy is a maniac, but he's a complex guy… he's very principled in his own demented fashion.

On the other hand, Vice Ganda is one of the most popular Filipino celebrities, a Filipino action star transitioned to BB Gandanghari with nothing like the controversy that attended Caitlyn Jenner, and I've met more than one transgender in a high-level management role in a FIlipino company. Yeah, there remains a

Perhaps it could be like LOST, you have disparate stories about various characters, connected by this dream they share, and a mysterious Jacob-like figure figures into all this… this is straying quite a bit from the comics, but I'm starting to like the idea.

It's so weird that Trump has all these serious supporters when outside the US, he's almost universally seen as a joke. Then again, I guess they don't really think outside their backyards.

All-new, All-different New Mutants!

Film and simple narrative go together… while there are exceptions, complex storytelling tends to be a better fit for a novel than a film, which usually recycles old tropes like the hero's journey, whodunit or boy meets girl. That's fine, coz film can shine using other elements, like visual style, performances and

Sounds like someone who doesn't get the concept of boundaries. I've had friends like that. They're good people, generally, but when they go over the line, oh hell do they go over the line. And it's not okay. At some point, the friendship is not worth the trouble. This woman… this one is not worth the trouble, I'd say.

I doubt that even they could satirize the Trump administration any more than those clowns in government are doing already.

I kinda agree with the Gilmore Guys' take, but at the same time, I think it was a mistake for the show to let the conflict drag on for so long. They excised the central character dynamic of the show for far longer than made sense. That's damaging, and it led to unfortunate filler. And you know they were always gonna

Why not add Roger Moore to the pile?

I never cared for the dating scene myself. I got together with my SO coz we were part of the same group of artists that came together for regular activities like drawing sessions and group exhibits. The thing to do is to put yourself out there, not necessarily with a focus on dating, but simply expanding your social

I used to work just a block from Hollywood Blvd. I didn't have a car… taking the bus and subway, I always encountered a lot of Hispanic and black folk. I bet if you had a car in LA and drove around like the La La Land guys, you'd be running in a whiter posse. Anyway, I personally recall a very mixed community… when I

That explains it all!

It's an NBC show hosted by a grinning loon, but that's not important right now.

How can you ever show your typeface here anymore?

It's kinda strange that an amnesiac Doakes didn't turn up suddenly in a later season. It would be far from the dumbest thing they've ever done.

And Whitney! Oh wait, scratch that. It's set in Chicago.