
I don't know that I'd call Breathless a romantic movie, but I guess that's one way of looking at it.

Isn't Ken Jeong typecasted as more of a wacky guy who happens to be Asian? I don't watch Dr. Ken, but in Community his ethnicity was not really a factor.

Did they make an "assault" joke?

That's what I was getting at, actually. Perhaps "well-meaning" isn't quite the right term, but I got the impression that Lee had no desire to stick it to his fellow creatives, even though he would support his company in doing exactly that, again and again… he didn't want to ruffle the feathers of management, which

Man, that book is disheartening. So many ill-treated creators. And Stan Lee comes across as well-meaning but ineffectual, an all-out company stooge.

Detective Chimp!

I think I'll stick to my metaphorical phrasing. I like metaphors. They're fun!

Also, Trainspotting 2!

If you think a woman's physical shape is the be-all and end-all of what makes her attractive, I suppose you must be a 10-year-old boy.

The weird thing is that I'm living with a real-life Manic Pixie Dream Girl. She's not only that, she's also a grounded person who takes care of our household wonderfully. She's a More Well-Rounded Than She Seems But Still Kinda Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

I first watched it a year ago. I don't see why it's so objectionable. Sure, Portman is insufferable, and Braff is a bit of a special snowflake, but the film's a pleasant trifle that's not as profound as it wants to be. It's not like that's a crime.

I'll go with Kung Fu Hustle. Millennium Actress, and DC Animation's The New Frontier.

Meet the new Hatesong, same as the old Hatesong.

You blockhead!

But what's so great about people shooting blasters at each other? I doubt that it would have added much to the ending, which is poetic (for Star Wars). While they all die from the Death Star Blast, Krennic dies with all of his hopes dashed, while Jyn and Cassian now have hope in the rebels' future.

That's generally what happens when you make movies. I recommend that you read Rebels on the Backlot. Highly revealing of how what we get on screen can differ so much from what gets shot… not to mention, how razor-thin the line can be between a good movie and bad movie (often coming down to tough choices in the editing

Let's give it one more try.

You give me faith in millennials…. get outta here!!!

George Michael, "One More Try"

IV's quip about Lara Pulver is devastating… she's doesn't even rate as much as "a bargain-priced Eva Green" — she merely approximates one.