
My girlfriend has been hinting that I need to go jogging, does that count? Though it's not a jab at my figure. She just loves being active.

I don't know if this advice will be of much use, but I'd like to say… you can be more of a friend to yourself. Stop giving yourself such a hard time. Sure, you can be critical, but be supportive as well. Be a buddy to yourself.

Took a break from my vegetarian lifestyle to eat banh mi, coz… well, it's fuckin' banh mi. Not bad, though the Vietnamese kids at the weekend food bazaar make a better one. Banh mi was one of the best things about my Vietnam trip last year, and one of the four foods on my cheat list. (The others are xiao long bao,

A fan of the Goopster right here on The AV Club? I'll be damned.

Gwyneth Paltrow? I thought you had standards, man!

There's the issue that the ruling will end up negatively affecting the climate of music production. Imagine if every time someone composed music, it would need to be vetted by the legal department before it can get a public release. Besides tacking on additional expense to music production, this could put a cramp on

Ok, gotta recall my cultural studies readings… generally, the "male gaze" critique is not directed at audiences but at authors who create works with the default assumption that it will be viewed by men. The main issue is inclusiveness, not titillation.

It's Outsourced-level humor, which means…. I don't know what it means, somebody step in!

Superheroes are only supposed to trample on civil rights, not federal drug laws!

Hispanics can be white or non-white, though. Not sure which particular category Alba is in.

That issue also scandalized a segment of fans in revealing that Zatanna, a sometime Justice Leaguer, was a toker.

Ahh, so we've uncovered what Dikachu's Pokemon type is!

We are of the same mind in this, though she's been into it far longer, it's something I was always open to, just needed the right push. What I found really helpful was the book "How Not to Die" which divides foods into green light, yellow light and red light categories rather than demanding absolute restrictions. It's

That sounds like an episode of Frasier… or more accurately, that time Ann Perkins didn't realize she'd been dumped on Parks and Rec. Oh man! But hey, it was ages ago, and wasn't even really your fault.

I recently read an article about a study which showed that forgiving others can add some years to your lifespan. Damned if I can remember where I read it. It did make me resolve to explicitly forgive a former friend of mine online… only I promptly forgot to go ahead and do so, until now!

That kind of jealousy and envy is normal and perfectly all right as long as it doesn't lead to you doing or saying crazy stuff. But do work on letting go of it and keep putting yourself out there. And always keep in mind that no matter what, you're one of the lucky ones… you're already better off than a helluva lot of

I say we Chuck his character.

Yeah, well… not everyone can be saved, or even wants to be saved. Good on you that you do.

Teen Titans Go coz my kid is a big fan. And I'm enjoying it, too. Recently, she discovered The Simpsons, good for me! And her, but especially me! She's honestly way too young to understand the Simpsons, but she seems to like it on her own level. Good enough!
