
That suggests that vampires wouldn't be able to have photo IDs… not legit ones, anyway. They can't Skype or do any VOIP, so they're stuck with Twitter and texting.

We sent out the first publicity materials for the art exhibit that my girlfriend will be part of — alongside several established local artists, so we're both excited. And I wrote the exhibition statement. The organizer liked it so much, he's giving me a painting in return.

I'm now several months into a 99% vegetarian diet (still eat meat on very rare occasions). It was surprisingly easy to get to this place. I don't miss meat at all. My girlfriend does most of the cooking. She improvises a lot, so I don't have a name for what we ate for dinner, but it was a Mediterranean-style dish

One year! That is fantastic. I haven't been following this, coz of time zone disparity, but I still offer my congratulations and I'm happy to learn that you've made such great strides. My dad was an alcoholic who never could admit he had a problem, so it's a great, great thing when someone manages to get this beast

As someone a little older than you… yes, I'm living with a woman a dozen years younger and I could give a rat's ass what anyone else thinks. They don't know, and anyway it's her opinion that matters. Which brings to mind the question… in judging the man negatively, aren't you judging the woman's wisdom as well? It

I feel like you're overthinking things a bit. Take it down a notch. It's not always a good idea to analyze everything. Especially given that you basically lack enough "hard data" — so to speak.

They don't have clue who this guy is supposed to be? The guy's called Cyborg. It's right there in his name!

It's probably a reference to a Jimmy Swaggart quote: "Rock and roll is the new pornography."

Go for it, but try not to view it as such a big deal as you're making it out to be. It might end up being a big deal in the long run, but it's way, way too early for that kind of thinking. Take it one step at a time. Focus on having a good time with her on the day you spend together. 

Assuming that you're not in high school… then it should be possible for you to admit your feelings without ruining the friendship. You may have to put some space between you for a while, but it will work out in the long run… if you're both mature and adult about this.

I was once in the place where you are now. Let me say that there is hope. Definitely. But you are certainly going to hurt someone. That's gonna happen whether you want it to or not, coz you're only human.

Not a day goes by that I'm not amazed that I'm with the fantastic woman who loves me. I hit the jackpot! And I don't miss the goddamn chase one bit. The chase was excruciating.

Actually, there is another power that is keeping NK in check: China

The Brave and the Bold proved that a Batman musical is more than plausible, it could be frickin' awesome.

I once worked as a clerk in a hostel and seriously, just about all of the guests whom I dealt with were awesome. Even got to be good friends with a few. I still have a rose-tinted view of that time in my life.

I kinda get that, but then again, you guys aren't the audience for this show. My kid loves Teen Titans Go and I enjoy watching it with her. And maybe we shouldn't take a bright and shiny kid's cartoon too seriously.

It had a lot of ups and downs, but I think the biggest issue was that half of the writers wrote fun pulp adventure and the other half wrote overwrought freaky erotica.

Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah and Zack Snyder's Watchmen

SPAWN! …hey, where are all you guys going? Come baaaack!!!

I think it was plausible… Waller could have been bluffing, and Bruce may have suspected that she was, but made the call not to challenge her, knowing that Waller's a sharp as a tack.