
* Turning Boomerang into a compelling jackass… despite the fact that the character was forced on Ostrander.

All I know is, if I go to a European film festival, I'm gonna see nudity, and much of it isn't even of the prurient variety, it's simply matter of fact. (One Dutch family film showed a teenage boy naked.) They show nudity in a way that feels like it's no big deal, unlike on Game of Thrones or True Detective.

She was someone I hadn't seen in a few years. She appeared out of the blue one night at an exhibit opening. We connected and I offered her a ride. At the car, I asked her if we could go out, and she said she'd like that. I was of half a mind to kiss her but I didn't have the guts (I'm haunted by a bad experience that

Representation matters. But it's an institutional and societal concern. It doesn't make sense to single out one filmmaker — it's the system that's at fault. Audiences, too, bear some responsibility — remember the reactions to the idea of a black Spider-Man and a black James Bond?

iZombie. Though I admit I'm not up to date on pop culture these days. Still, iZombie needs more love around here.

I hated the ending soooo much, but over time I've come to regard this film very highly. I think of it as Assayas taking the piss out of the mindfuck thriller (with a few shots at Besson along the way). I don't know how accurate that reading is, but it's what makes the film work for me.

I thought he was dancer!

…sounds like we're missing out on a nifty way of eliminating numbnuts from the human gene pool.

Sure, he was a great guy, but that doesn't mean Iris would be into him, which is her prerogative. More to the point, he kept his feelings to himself instead of asking her out early on, so it wasn't even friendzoning.

I stopped collecting comics a few years before Nu52.

Why is he wearing his mom's blouse?

She was originally just a person with incredible skill at handling toxins, but, you know… comic book power creep. I kinda prefer the non-powered sociopathic version of Ivy from the Ostrander-Yale Suicide Squad. Like other characters, she changed in response to her portrayal in the animated series. I guess she's more

VALIS for me, but I'll use this space to highlight the lesser work The Game Players of Titan. It brings together many of PKD's weaknesses - nondescript characters, odd plot jumps, lack of proper narrative build-up and payoff - and yet the paranoid nightmare it depicts is still haunting, many years later. It's the kind

Rewatching it recently, I do kinda wish there weren't any POVs of people and we only saw them through the robots' eyes. I can imagine a more sardonic version where the humans are simply these pathetic background schlubs, kinda like on the Golgafrinchan Ark.

Honestly, I am sick of things. We have books that are positively ancient, and broken collectibles from all over the globe. It's all going to the junk shop next week, finally. I am only keeping the few things that bring me joy (yeah, the KonMari method pokes its head in)… and most of the art. There will always be the

She was the White Witch, at least.

Well, at least they don't have the X-Men's problem of losing their manhood! It's no wonder so many of them became women.

Your analysis is more entertaining than the coverage on Vox. And I don't dislike Vox, but honestly, they're not doing nearly as good a job as you are on this.

Shrapnel always comes back from the dead in the comics. I bet the would've come back on the show if they hadn't been force to write out the Suicide Squad.

She's the one with all the gifts, so yeah, she's all that.