
Uh… life….

And let's get Julia Goldani Telles as Darkest Timeline Rory.

How many of the Trek films would you actually deem intelligent And no, don't say Final Frontier….

The actors truly got that crazy soap-opera plotline to succeed. And I believe it was Torv who made Bolivia (aka Fauxlivia) work, somehow navigating her journey from a character fans loved to hate, to one whom the fans adored.

Oh man, I've been there. Lots of times. I wanna say it gets better. I mean, no one can promise that. But you gotta have hope. Many, many times, I thought I was gonna die alone. And nowadays I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

Just be single and don't give a damn what other people think? I dunno, that worked for me. Or come up with your own term, like "Forever Alone and Proud of It (FAPIT)."

Right Said Fred. They weren't too sexy for their song!

I'm just waiting for the day when all the concertgoers are flying camera drones instead.

Hackers, Dazed and Confused, Reality Bites, Empire Records, 10 Things I Hate About You, and Clueless got a lot of spins from me.

I gotta admit that kid me enjoyed it more than any of the other films in that run. Not that I'll ever revisit it. I remember having fond memories of Batman Returns (not of Batman, though)… but rewatching it as an adult I found it far too cringeworthy.

"Jane… craving some corset-free adventure… an area where… Tarzan falls short. Tarzan’s vine-swinging never achieves… fluidity. [T]he movie draws more attention to its shortcomings. [T]he terribly limp… Tarzan… finally stages a… climax, featuring an animal stampede, a hail of 19th-century machine-gun bullets, and some

Could it be that was Sting, taking the piss out of him?

Counterpoint: what happened when The Spirit made it to the big screen.

Not gonna happen, but I'd bat for Grant Gustin. Possibly Robert Buckley.

Good one! And the scene of Marg screaming at the High Sparrow rings of Jen to me.

Littlefinger only had the goods on everyone coz he was getting useful info out of his brothels. Now he can't rely on that, and it appears his misstep with Ramsay is an indication that he can't get good intel the way he used to. He's still an operator, but he's not positioned to play on such a high level anymore.

This is a job for… Rowboat Cop.

That's the safe bet, but I wouldn't put it past Gurm to twist it up and have it turn out to be Sansa, Yara/Asha, or Ellaria. Hell, it could even be Arya, after she finds Gendry and marries him!

I doubt that the common people care who's on the throne, nothing changes for them no matter who it is. (Dany's gonna upturn that, but she's not here yet.)

I believe Margery is mainly plotting a way out for her brother. The irony of her situation is that her "alliance" with the Faith has actually benefited her a lot, politically…. except that she's basically a prisoner. Which means that maybe she should work with Septa Unella to bring down the High Sparrow and take over