
2015 was the first year I ditched bringing physical books when I traveled. A tablet is so much easier to deal with, and most of the time I listen to podcasts anyway. But I have fond memories of swapping books at hostels and bringing home some odd find — usually a lesser-known travel book or memoir.

Geez, man do you want them to go back to posting about mashups again?

But you know he'd only be redeeming himself as part of a long-range sinister scheme!

I gotta say, The Dissolve was a whole lot less douchebaggy than many geekier, populist film appreciation websites.

That's how I felt about The Avengers movie… funny, I could never articulate what felt off about it, but now I know!

Yeah, our 7-year-old surprised her mother by telling mom to ask her what equity means. And she got that from Teen Titans Go!

It's just a friggin' TV show. It's not like Kurosawa or anything. I'm just looking for thrills and giggles. This is not a show that demands to be taken seriously.

Oh wow, I hate to tell you this, but… movies and tv shows aren't real!

Does nobody like the Cardigans? I love Nina Persson's voice, and their mature albums are wonderful. Though I also enjoy, in smaller doses, their original cocktail-lounge pop sound.

But, but, his stand-up comic career….

Also, consider that these are the guys who are leading the fight against the Night's King. In preparation for that, they first needed to win the North. This was one step in a larger conflict.

Same here. I'm a staunch pacifist myself, but… hey, I know what kind of show I'm watching! And this was like Christmas came early.

A classic battle move that Jon tried to school Tormund on, even.

…and fans as well?

As I said, most people would have moved on from such a moment of disillusionment and not turned into megalomaniacal nutjobs. It's unfair to place all of the blame on Bob's shoulders.

You might want to get that parking brake fixed.

Bob is just kind of a dick, for a good part of the film. It's pretty normal for kids to find this out about their heroes. Honestly, I don't see anything particularly traumatizing about Syndrome's backstory. Nothing most people wouldn't be able to move on past. Let's face it, Syndrome is a sociopath — the guy murdered

It's a reading that makes no sense, though. I've discussed this over on The Dissolve before, but when Bob Parr goes his own way, this takes him down the wrong path. And note how the movie ends: Dash forgoes winning and chooses a more disciplined approach that requires him to balance others' needs with his own.

Tom Bottombliss. It's a proper adaptation!

Honey and Clover. It's set in an art school and revolves around the comical foibles of a semi-talented clueless dude with an unrequited crush on a socially maladjusted weirdo artist genius.