
The show was Dushku's baby, though. She worked hard behind the scenes, let's not forget, and it would not have been made without her. Anyway, it's a cheap genre show, not prestige television, so I cut the acting a bit of slack.

It is. Check out the work of Chen Kaige, as well as Zhang Yimou's Raise the Red Lantern.

I'm sure Baelish is setting his sights further than the North. He's merely sowing chaos at this point. 'Course the North doesn't actually need help in that area, but then Baelish doesn't have treesight… yet….

I just read Harlan Ellison's "Run For the Stars" and it would make a fun sci-fi action film. It's such a no-brainer that I can't think of why it hasn't happened yet.

True. It was one of my most memorable viewing experiences from when I was a kid. Yeah, quite a bit of it was dark and scary, but nothing lil me couldn't handle. And the magical folk tales of the rabbits left a strong impression that has lasted until now.

True, but in the real world, even as people recognize (how could they not) the threat of ISIS, many are still opposed to letting refugees into their borders and they probably want the heads of leaders who let it happen. Obviously it's still a different scenario, but I don't think it's inconceivable for Thorne and his


Pixar did it well.

Oh yeah, the brother of Brandon Flowers!

Take comfort in the fact that their lives have peaked at being a restaurant manager of Fuddruckers.

Well, think of it this way… should we let trolls and spammers have free reign over the comments section here? I'm all for freedom of expression. But there needs to be balance as well.

I feel like you didn't understand my comment. There's a price to being less than inclusive. As an artist, I understand this. Not every artwork is accessible to everyone. I don't have a problem with that. Actually, knowing that some things are not accessible to everyone is something every artist… and every purveyor of

Speaking as someone who is not white and not a Westerner… man, I understand how something can be a product of its time, but it's no less painful for me to consume, you know? So, no, I don't give a pass to this kind of thing in contemporary art, simply for the sake of expression. If it can somehow transcend that stuff,

Well, I'm not really keen on people expressing, say, racism, or making rape jokes about a rape victim. Very little of that kind of thing is worthwhile. But there's many a work of art that possesses worth despite being a product of its time… and reflecting unfortunate attitudes of its era. Reading early 20th century

Crumb's work could be misogynistic, and certainly, male gaze-y. That's his unfiltered personal expression. I'm not saying celebrate it, but it's the man's own personal truth that he was putting out there. Yeah, most of the time it's wise to keep our non-PC predilections in check… but not all the time, and not for all

The perfect Arthur has to be Graham Chapman… oh sorry, that's a different guy, the King of the Britons!

I was trying to keep it less spoilery, but… well played.

I suspect the Castor clones were intentionally designed to be interchangeable and regimented, in clear opposition to the indomitable and diverse seestra clones. But they just took too much time away from Maslany's awesomeness.

We'll fight the good fight… with or without you.

I'm a season 2 defender, but let's face it, that had a number of dropped balls (like the Wallace-Jackie plot and that whole unfortunate Meg baby thing). And it was ridiculously over the top for some kid to mastermind a mid-air plane bombing.