
Something about the "gore" on this show feels cartoonish, kinda like how the monsters on Angel and Buffy are mostly not scary. And it's oddly bright and sunny for a show that's about dark stuff… and set in Seattle….

The same tainted Utopium from the boat party, in fact. So there's a mystery ingredient in the Utopium that causes full-on zombieism.

It really established that Vaughn passed his brains on to Rita.

Veronica Mars, of course, to a lesser degree.

"Way to accessorize, roomie!"

To think I just picked up TWD again, then they pull that bullshit. That show is a shambling, braindead… something.

The quote goes, "Rob Thomas is a whore." Piz's one memorable line!

She's a bit superfluous, since Penny is already there to play the wildcard and the snarky observer, which are her primary roles. And Penny is already a conflict maker, the character who keeps the core group from getting too warm and fuzzy… another role Margo plays. She does need to be around to give Eliot someone to

Think you might need a spoiler warning there… anyway… Seeing how the show likes to play with the books' plots, there's a chance that someone else is gonna turn Niffin. My money's on Quentin.

Sexy Penny has been a lot more awesome, if you ask me. Man, who could have imagined before this season that Penny of all people would be one of the best things about the show!

Awesome comment, but can Margo get a little love, too? She needs to stick around as well.

This could have been good if the stories had more room to breathe… it was kind of a mess. Still, I enjoy the characters and I'm looking forward to season 2. The show's so different from the books that I have no idea what's coming, and that's been a big part of the fun for me. Now that it's blown past most of the book

Well, in the books, Julia isn't even part of this storyline. So your guess is as good as mine.

But then what is art for? It's not something that provides edification, in my view. Speaking as an artist… art doesn't need to have any purpose besides being art. But to appreciate it, one does need to connect with it. And being able to connect with art depends on countless factors: cultural background, personal

Well, that's why I brought up great works of Western art here. I'm guessing that you don't get a lot out of traditional Chinese painting or Beijing opera… and you're perfectly fine with that, right? Anyway, should The Force Awakens matter more than, say, Piers Plowman or Rigoletto? You have your work cut out for you,

Well, it's a comic book take on the Dirty Dozen, even more so than the original comic (which I'm guessing it won't resemble too much). So it's a long established successful concept.

Merry, not Pippin, but otherwise, agreed.

If you're a Utilitarian philosopher, all of the actions you criticized were the correct moral choices. Perhaps morality is not as cut and dried as you believe….

We don't need you to pity us, for we are the ones who know what we like and what we don't like, and can invest more in enjoying what we like, rather than letting others dictate our predilections. And maybe we're not really missing out that much.

So he's just a shill? A corporate lackey? What do you mean? As an artist myself, I find it silly how people place "art" on a pedestal. Artists are pretty much regular folks, guys. And it should be ok to call ourselves artists, it's not like I'm saying I'm a great artist, or even good, but I'm certainly an artist,