
Yes, nothing like forcing billions of people to evacuate their homes due to rising sea levels to make me think think that we’ll adapt and overcome.

This is an awfully privileged reply.

Also, Sean, I promise that while I can’t speak for the other mutants I only wanted to gently gum your flesh, never actually eat it. 

I don’t agree with him wholesale, but there was an awful lot of back-patting going on with Wonder Woman.

Hey it’s Fun Beck! He shows up every few years after Sad Beck.

I like it better when they just release them with no warning. I have other shit to do in November, or may be dead.

Sorry, afraid he won’t have time for it now that he’s got his new gig drunkenly tweeting at the Strokes.

This is a reply

Well, they “work,” but they’re terrible.

Good afternoon, TheSixFinger, and good luck.

Here you go. I think the “notification” is the hollow circle in the top right corner of the page.

Well, I did the “Claim your account” thing and it took me to a Disqus page, then the browser just closed. Am I verified? I fucking hate this already.

You’re Goddamn right my first comment post-Kinjacolypse will be saying I’m excited about the new Taylor Swift album.