
Did Dr. Strangelove write this?


SHAMELESS PLUG: If you like Titanic and want to hear it broken down minute-by-minute, check out @titanicminute.

Shameless plug: If you like Titanic (or even if you hate it), you should check out Titanic Minute, which launches on December 4.

Congrats to whoever becomes the 6th Mrs. James Cameron.

This is no way to talk about U2.

Beck’s bipolar swings are the longest in the game, baby!

When is the Ryan Adams cover album coming out?

Hey, it’s me. Someone reply to me so I can see how notifications work.


Things aren't looking too good for Bing Crosby.

A+ article, Sean. Hits all the things I wrestle with when enjoying violent media.

"Judge Reinhold? No way that's a real name."

*flips through*
Let's see here…dead…dead…dead…in prison…president…dead…

I was using alpha male as a catch all for anti-PC, "why can't men be men?" attitudes. (I was thinking of the episode where they went to DC to protest Psycho Dad being cancelled). Maybe it's not the right term.

I think it would be more highly regarded if it stopped after 4 or 5 seasons. By the end, the "NO MA'AM" plots (among other elements) became unsettling in their misogyny and alpha-male-ness.

I don't follow Maddow with a fervor, so can't speak to her tease/wind-up history. It adds context, so I get your point. I don't have a firm stance on this, but wasn't it just one tweet to promote her show? That doesn't seem like a huge level of hype to me.

"Your accurately teased content failed to fix this horrible reality! For shame!"

She has a nightly show and always tweets about what's coming up. I don't get how this is embarrassing for anyone except those who acted the same way as people did in 2006 regarding the Snakes on a Plane trailer.

I won't rehash at what's been said about this article, but I really wish one of the people from that bus had sucker-punched Mel Gibson.