
Barbie is a toxic toy overall, but if it can make stupid gamers mad I'll take it.

Needs some ergonomic wrist supports, too.

I'm on board with anything that makes gamer nerds mad.

"Sir, these results are all replies to chain emails where you claimed to be a Nigerian prince."

Hopefully they don't lose the cover art like they did for Permanent Record!

2002 will be very excited.

Thoughts and prayers imply it's something beyond our control. It's a big cop-out by chickenshit and/or heartless Congresspeople.

Jones seems legitimately concerned with making a good Warcraft movie and not just making an easy buck/making things go boom, which makes all of this kind of sad, because it looks very terrible.

Does it say that anywhere in the song? It's always come across to me that he is calling her a brick. I've had conversations with people who have the same reading, for what it's worth.

I understand it fine. I wouldn't wince at it if it weren't for the chorus. It doesn't give me a lot of sympathy for a guy when he calls his girlfriend a brick who is dragging him down.

I used to love it, but now it's hard to get beyond the narrative, which is basically a guy whining about how hard it is for him to go through his girlfriend getting an abortion. It would come off better if he didn't refer to her as a brick. "Ugh, dumb girlfriend got herself pregnant and I have to drive her to the

Oof. That is rough, partly because of Axl's voice, but also because the lead guitarist is flat and it really stands out on the intro.

Remember how Spielberg said Crystal Skull would use practical effects and literally the first shot is a CGI prairie dog?

Indiana Jones and the Reverse Mortgage Scam


Gary Cherone waits patiently by the phone.

OK. We'll call him "accused rapist Dr. Luke."

It happens about as often as any other crime (it's really low). There's absolutely nothing to gain for her falsely accusing one of the most successful producers in music.

Why would she falsely accuse someone?