just signed it - I know petitions aren't the height of protest, but forcing the White House to comment on this will get the discussion that much more prominently in the in the news
just signed it - I know petitions aren't the height of protest, but forcing the White House to comment on this will get the discussion that much more prominently in the in the news
"I'm not going to use my $800 PC to run/play these little indie games"
Why not?
I thought it was great - the choices reflected the major themes of the trilogy in leaving a world-shaping legacy way. Could I imagine a more intricate ending that reflected more of the player's decision making? Sure, but that doesn't invalidate the ending that actually exists.
Right, but they are scary because of the mockery of civilization they represent, not the every-man-for-himself anarchy - that just reduces them to zombies with guns.
Don't get me wrong - the last thing I'm espousing is spending more time on tired classic rock radio selections (certainly not in response to music in 2013). I'm just saying that if you're really looking for contemporary Rock music, that the bland 90s Alt-Rock sound is not that apex of what's going on out there.
It's been 2 days since I responded to you (thanks for the perpetual censoring for disagreeing with Jason Schreier, Kotaku) but it's been haunting me that you are demanding Rock records while looking for the lamest of sorta-90s Alternative mainstream FM radio neo-Grunge sorta-Christian-lame guitar music. Maybe you're…
Here's a huge listing, sorted by rating, of Rock records from 2013 - the first couple hundred are full of great stuff, depending on your tastes. Personally, as far as Rock goes, I quite liked this 2013's records by The Icarus Line, Ice Dragon, Tombstoned, Blood Bright Star, Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats, Windhand and…
Depends on what you mean by Rock, I'd say.
If certain forms of insurance weren't required by law, everyone would almost always be better paying that money into some sort of escrow - the amount you get back is never as much as you put in.
They don't seemed particularly worried about the future of their project - their tweets have been massively optimistic, and the work is too cool and gotten too much positive press not to get outside investment if they have to start over - I'm sure Notch is interested in their tech.
I always look forward to these posts - this world of games is much less corporately strangled than console gaming. I love reading about board games, even if its tough to get adults together to actually play them.
Everything I've read implies they have made big improvements on the headaches and nausea things since the dev kit.
Except it's not that expensive (at $300, its the cheapest HMD around, even) it's not going to be PC only (they are specifically working to make it compatible with Android mobile devices) and it takes years to design and manufacture a major innovative technological product (and they've already shipped over 30,000…
As a child of the 90s, I'll assure you they were never, ever cool.
The offering of the peace pipe is the best part of that whole image - that is some dark humor.
Are even all the shows combined possibly as valuable to the Xbox as one single great Gears or Halo-level game that could have been made with that money, though?
It's pretty solipsistic to think that just because things fell into place for you that they will do so for everyone, though. I know a dozen chemists and engineers that have gone overseas - I'm thrilled for your friends that's not the case for them. I've a great friend who is a neuroscientist at Harvard that's having…
That's simply not true - the heathcare industry, in particular, has been getting flooded with graduates that the industry can't support, and my wife - a chemist and former NASA researcher - has plenty of colleagues looking for work, and many of them have had to relocate to China to find work over the last 5 years or…
Tablets are the future for casual home computing, at least - there's still legions of people who need more powerful and flexible devices for work. I love my tablet for reading in bed and looking up info, but when I have actual work to do, a tablet's not even close to the kind of device I need. Combining the two is…
There are people still out there? Come join us! The crime rates are totally overrated.