
and a duck or two!

Or eat some soup

Assuming that he didnt crash that day no one would have known. I doubt his boss checks the camera as long as he finishes his routes. Hes prob done this exact thing many times in the past, maybe every day.

Theres something to be said about sacrificing other live animals to save one animal.

Absolutely. Capitalism is a bitch. The healthcare system is fucked up. I just think its worth point out that its not the nurses themselves negotiating for a higher salary or the hospitals offering the salary. Its the hiring agencies seeing blood in the water and trying to get as much money as possible, the nurses

The actual complaint was due to the agencies profiteering during a pandemic and taking up to 40% of the nurses salary, which is driving the price up. Also when a traveling nurse cost 4x the amount of a regular one places with super tight budgets such as nursing homes cant adequately staff and give patients the right

Its about time I update so as long as my provider gives some discounts, they dont blow up, and they got some fancy new feature like allowing me to get rid of bixby... I’m in. In general things have been so incrimental that I havent felt the need to get a new phone in years. I remember when I used to update every 12

I dont understand why people cut gamefreak/nintendo/pokemon company any slack regarding budgets/teams. Every single game makes them like a billion dollars they could EASILY have a big budget if they wanted to. They just dont and will coast as long as its acceptable. People make excuses about optimization, graphics,

I knew I could just wait them out and it would be reversed. I already gave them all my info and social and use two factor, yet now they need my face? Foh. I figured it would get reversed from backlash or I just wouldn’t use it.

“Mary we heard you said the n word in class we are going to have to suspend you”

Its definitely not malice but in her earlier works (oceans 8 to a degree, but def the skits and other things that got her noticed) she used a much more “urban” accent for laughs and such. Which combined with her interviews were she said she refused to do asian accents and minstrel-ize her people for laughs... causes

Alot of people here dont know what they are talking about and only know her from Crazy Rich Asians and after so let me explain. (mind you I dont care that much I’m just aware and seeing all these people tlak out their ass is annoying). Also note that this has been as thing on social media for a long ass time but since

.... you do realize they arent talking about how she speaks now right? Thats her natural voice.. Look at how she used to speak on TV shows and the like as she was coming up

The New York Times article does a better job at laying out why Amazon would be at fault as opposed to this one which really left me wondering why Amazon should be at fault. “People who looked at this also bought this” is a simple algorithm and acting like they are at fault for that is bad unless you expect them to

Yup that’s exactly the reason why we need to cook the meat. Not all birds have salmonella but if they do cooking the meat kills the bacteria and you can eat it. Otherwise you could eat it raw, although I personally don’t find that appetizing. Same reason you shouldnt eat raw flour, because it might have ecoli or the

I think she is right to a certain degree although she just shouldn’t have said anything. Humans have always grouped themselves into US and THEY, and have typically fought they for resources and have done vile things. Sometimes they do it not for resources and just for beliefs. It has also been a political tool as seen


Young Scully used to go by Thad before he graduated Blue Mountain State and joined the police force

One thing I dont get is hating on ASAP Rocky for being with her. Like dont you know her dating pool is very small. Very few people would be on her “level” she dated a good looking billionaire and dumped him. Now she is with a much less rich man who is good looking, seems cool, and has the same interests. Obviously I

Bleachy Drink Mask Harmful Hour” would be approved however. As long as you dont say bleach will cure anything you can tell people to drink it all you want