Agreed especially when you do hold it for 20 seconds and it turns out that I didnt do the process properly and now Im almost at my car and have to start over... but better they make it slightly difficult then accidentally opening all your windows while home.
Not sure if its optional anymore.. but remote start/open windows with fob. In the dead of summer being able to open my car’s windows and/or start the a.c as I start walking outside is a god send. I worked on the 4th floor of a building and from their I could start my car and open the windows. By the time I got…
Not to mention Charles just announced he had cancer. Could just throw the fact that she had it also at the end and continued to be as private as they could be.
So did he explain how they would control their hormones on a multi-year journey on a city sized ship across the galaxies? Pills? Implants? Because in the real military during wars they would take their sexual activities off base. Kirk’s crew gets to get off ship and bang aliens (mostly Riker doing it, but point…
That is what confuses me. Like its a stupid rule unless you can explain how you control their hormones? Pills? Implants? Because yea relationships might be forbidden in the military but they quite notoriously would turn to locals
I feel like if someone goes to a restaurant and orders a burger.. They either want a burger or nothing else appeals to them and so they get the burger.
I just need everyone to understand its a worse Pirate game then Black Flag, which came out 11 years ago and its supposed expand on.
Oh and I just remembered DL Hughley is a man who said he was relieved when the child he made from an affair passed away. Hes also a guy who didnt believe his daughter after she told him she was molested by his friend.. So I’d say hes more of an asshole then Monique regardless
She announced they are going on tour together today lol
Yes her trailer literally exploded. She posted a video of the aftermath and fire department on the scene after the interview.
I think he would be fine with the bathtub and sex scenes from the source material and just wasn’t fine with all the extra lets have Geralt be shirtless cuz Cavill is jacked stuff.
Many people are commenting that there aren’t really that many sex scenes in movies these days. I think his comments are probably him projecting a little bit because he is clearly uncomfortable with the sex object they made him and we’ve already heard he’s turned down sex scenes and shirtless scenes in the Witcher. He…
Honestly the only problem is that I dont like cold hardboiled eggs, unless they are deviled. I guess I could leave them out to warm up, but I probably wouldnt be buying gas station eggs if I had that type of time.
To be fair I dont have faith in any streamer. Their models seem anti long term series. Netflix does put out high quality animation but it tends to be short. It also puts out many poorly animated shows. I cant see a world where they invest the time and money to do even 100 episodes of it.
I agree I just dont trust Netflix to put in the actual time and budget to do it properly. I’ll hold off any excitement until I see a trailer but I feel like its going to be CGI and not the good kind
I definitely think a remake of the anime where they streamline it and take out hundreds of episodes would be great, but I have no faith in Netflix. Probably going to use cheap CGI or even AI to do this and it will be garbage. Now if they are willing to spend a buttload to have high quality animation then hell yea im…
Valid point which makes all the data useless in general lol. We could calculate a viewer per minute based on the data presented (and doing the legwork for total minutes) but using random 6 months for rankings is stupid
It would be better to go by viewers per minute because shows have varying episode amounts and lengths. for example the glory (a really good kdrama I loved watching) has 16 hour long episodes, while castlevania nocturne had 8 30 minute episodes. It would take 4x as many viewers to get the same amount of viewers…
Its worth noting that the wings themselves are decently spicy before any sauce is added. Or maybe none of the sauces are mild because I had bbq and garlic parm thinking it would be much milder than sweet and spicy and it still got me sweating a little bit