
Eh idk they say they dont want it to be over the top but in the book the kid is killed in one stroke, while in the show we can here him squealing and the sawing as they presumably chop off his head. While its offscreen its still more dramatic then just a quick beheading. I understand that they dont show the kid being

Not really sure what she is talking about.. a quick google of “loan payment calc” would have given her an idea of what she would be paying.

I think they should at least do like 2-3 every week because I think that would give us more time to discuss the show but also some people watch like 2 hours of TV at a time so it would allow them to fill that up with one show instead of needing like a playlist. That way you have like “fall out night”.

Agreed especially when you do hold it for 20 seconds and it turns out that I didnt do the process properly and now Im almost at my car and have to start over... but better they make it slightly difficult then accidentally opening all your windows while home.

Not sure if its optional anymore.. but remote start/open windows with fob. In the dead of summer being able to open my car’s windows and/or start the a.c as I start walking outside is a god send. I worked on the 4th floor of a building and from their I could start my car and open the windows. By the time I got

That is because the people in government actually know that the bodies that manages voting tends to be bipartisan and that in order for there to be massive voting fraud it would require both parties cooperating (at least on a local level). Texas to be enrolling illegals that would require the mostly republican’s govt

Not to mention Charles just announced he had cancer. Could just throw the fact that she had it also at the end and continued to be as private as they could be.

So did he explain how they would control their hormones on a multi-year journey on a city sized ship across the galaxies? Pills? Implants? Because in the real military during wars they would take their sexual activities off base. Kirk’s crew gets to get off ship and bang aliens (mostly Riker doing it, but point

That is what confuses me. Like its a stupid rule unless you can explain how you control their hormones? Pills? Implants? Because yea relationships might be forbidden in the military but they quite notoriously would turn to locals

I am struggling to believe that the Princess of Whales is allowed to run her own twitter account and post pictures willy nilly. You expect me to believe that she had William take a photo with an iphone.. then send it to her and she edited it and put it on their twitter account “@KensingtonRoyal”? Come on now. Like

Sort of related has anyone noticed that the LinkedIn App keeps pushing celebrities and telling you people follow like Snoop Dogg and RG3 (I get asked to follow RG3 like every other day)? I tried to turn off the push notifications for New Follow Recommendations.. and guess what unlike any other notification you cant

I feel like if someone goes to a restaurant and orders a burger.. They either want a burger or nothing else appeals to them and so they get the burger.

1. I seriously doubt a business person didnt know how dynamic pricing is commonly used.

I just need everyone to understand its a worse Pirate game then Black Flag, which came out 11 years ago and its supposed expand on.

Ahh see now that makes sense. And he mentions going down a hill. I can see how even if you look out of your side mirror you might not see a train coming until its too late. Thats insane.

So Orochimaru is working with cats now? I know a cursed mark when I see it

Oh and I just remembered DL Hughley is a man who said he was relieved when the child he made from an affair passed away. Hes also a guy who didnt believe his daughter after she told him she was molested by his friend.. So I’d say hes more of an asshole then Monique regardless

She announced they are going on tour together today lol

Yes her trailer literally exploded. She posted a video of the aftermath and fire department on the scene after the interview.

I think he would be fine with the bathtub and sex scenes from the source material and just wasn’t fine with all the extra lets have Geralt be shirtless cuz Cavill is jacked stuff.