
It willl happen in the future but, not to take away from what Neil and Joni have done, Its much easier for old musicians that have soldified their careers and made most of their money to do this.  They are risking money of course but they are 50 years into their careers and have much less to lose than an artist that

I hope they do one more and its “Boogers and Cum” loved that one. True musical masterpiece.

The putting them together is the dumbest part. So the hashbrown mcmuffin is just the meal without the drink? Is there any savings? What exactly is the benefit here besides maybe only less click to add the separate items to your cart?

Yup there is but also the issue is McDonalds didnt really care enough to fix it until now. Like theres been an issue with the machines since they started selling them in 1995

This has to be fake or the guy is a fool. As a person who goes to many Carribean restaurants, they are barely open on a nice day. Its a well known joke about how little Jamaican restaurants seem to want your money.... and you think its going to be open during a snow storm?

.... ok now its the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of. So all im doing is dropping the “and a” in “I would like a sausage egg mcmuffin and a hashbrown”

Purely psychological for the most part. I can have a bean/veggie burger even though I dont like them.. but I tried an impossible/beyond burger at a restaurant and started feeling queasy after the first bite even though it tasted fine, if not a little bland. My little brain couldn’t wrap itself around the idea of not

The Hash Brown McMuffin is something I make very often and I guess the benefit of me not having to take the sandwich apart to put the hashbrown in might be somewhat helpful I guess. The rest of them seem nasty

I think almost everyone is fine with Pete Rose getting into the hall outside of some insane pearl clutchers.

The most annoying thing about this is that its not really about the steroids its the voters getting back at him and Clemens for being dicks. Big Papi did roids too but no one really looked into it or cared because everyone loves him. Same thing goes on in the NFL hall of fame.

Isnt it unprecedented though? Brandon Lee was killed by parts of (an improperly made) dummy that was stuck in the chamber so when the blank fired, it shot the remnant of the bullet at him. So while it is someone similar its different from some dickhead putting an actual bullet in the gun.

They are already calling Biden then most anti-media president because of this. Hilarious really

Yup I give trailers leeway because sometimes things are cut after the fact or changes made and I don’t think you should be locked into whats in the trailer. Sometimes they also show stuff not in the movie as to not ruin some plot points. But rarely I think they veer into false advertising and should potentially be

Stupid Lawsuit but there could be something to be said about a trailer/advertising fake out. Gabrielle Union talked about how after filming originally wrapped, they shot extra scenes in Bring it On that ended up on only in the trailer because test audiences wanted more of the clovers. So they filmed scenes that were

How big did they think the pool of “People who could relatively easily afford a peloton (without or without payment plans) but didn’t” was? They all fricking bought it when we were on actual lockdown and were getting stimmys. After that huge backlog of orders was completed that was it. All these companies that

Thats kind of what I was thinking the issue was. There are filters to make sure there isnt spectrum bleed I cant imagine that it would interfere with such a large buffer.. UNLESS they haven’t upgraded those shits in forever.

Thank you for that info. Thats a very odd intergovernmental agency issue. I am surprised they didn’t iron out all the potential issues before selling it.. although I guess I should never be surprised what happens when billions are on the line

Sorry for a 2nd comment (cant edit the first) but here is the issue for me explained by the President of Emirates, who found out the potential issues yesterday (which is part of my thing about the FAA saying something only now) and is scrambling to cancel/postpone fights:

I agree with you but I am suspicious because I feel as though there would have been a set buffer set prior to 5g even being a thing if it was that much of an issue. If the 200mhz buffer (400 now but 200mhz in 2023) isnt enough then what would be enough? There should be some science involved.

So FAA is worried that 5g might mess things because the bands are close to eachother.. And the otherside has data from 40 countries saying there has been no issue.. hmmm... I am hoping that the FAA has some actual data that it can cause interruptions and isnt just looking at the band numbers. Also here is from another