
Do you honestly think there are not enough horny wierdos with money out there willing to spend 1k on a celeb adjacent fart jar? Some of these people might be repeat customers and its probably average 50k a week over a short period I doubt its sustainable. Its like one of her farts very powerful yet brief.

They should just kick people off AirBnB for a pattern of discrimination instead of do this. I dont want some racist to have to be tricked into letting me stay at their house. Then they will either do some bullshit to try to convince me to cancel or I’ll show up and have to deal with some racist crap like them accusing

Yes alot of the issues are due to misogyny, and dickheads calling it woke trash but also some of the decisions are just weird and stupid. They create a new big bad (Voleth Meir) who convinces Yen to capture Ciri for some reason which she fails but still the witch gets released and possesses Ciri anyways. Then alot of

I just saw the movie last night. I really liked it. Funny at times very depressing at other. That final dinner scene made me Big sad. for some reason I thought the movie would end on a happy note despite literally everything going on in the movie lol.

The wierdest/scariest thing is that Alexa just pulls shit off any random site. That website it pulled from doesnt even exist anymore. There isnt a curated list of sites they might use? How do I hide my “Everything is a butt plug if you believe” website?

Uh no thats not an apology. If you get caught cheating you cant say “I was caught cheating” and count that as an apology. If found guilty for murder you cant say “To the family of the victim, on this date I was found guilty of murder” and count that as an apology.

No it is not legal without a permit, unless you are selling “cottage foods” aka foods unlikely to spoil. However alot of people do it, and as mentioned it was a bootleg operation through DM’s to stay afloat during the pandemic and was not presented as some official catering business.

We should focus more on how Turkish Delights are complete ass and I went on a whole journey as a child searching for them because of the book. Top 5 disappointments of my life.

The thing with Perrins wife was annoying as fuck. Not only do they add a woman just to kill her for a mans development.. but like it takes away from Perrin’s character.

Yes the guy who taste-test Eddy’s Ice cream is working with them to get the flavors right. But thats for premium subscribers. For the free version with ads, you get generic parts

I find this stupid and useless but I guess the porn industry will find a use for new tech as always.

More detail on it is that I believe the surgery went fine. The doctor is being sued for the post care and a bunch of other stuff that led to the issue. Like prescribed the wrong medication, didnt give proper instructions, did not describe potential complications, etc

sorry my “or maybe” wasnt supposed to come off as confrontational. It was more like “yea its possible or maybe this”.

Or maybe that he got texts/emails that proved alec knew of safety issues on the set or with the gun. Right now hes saying he had no clue of any issues he was just a creative dude and followed directions.

Ehh nah it cant work like that because then everyone would still have tons of videos of him and would piece it back together really quick. They would still have news papers and videos about Spiderman being Peter Parker then people would look into Peter Parker and then be confused how the fuck they forgot about this

So who would do the hacking of the Rover exactly? Like what would be the mechanics of even reaching the Rover? I assumed that it was communicating to a NASA only satellite which beams directly and securely to NASA. Or is it communicating to commercial satellites? Wouldn’t NASA have to be hacked before they even get to

So Tiktok already has problems with pushing certain types of people to the front even when they clearly have been stealing content from others.. and now they will pay those people for “their” viral recipes. Solid

Kinda funny he lied about graduating from college. Like we all know he never did. Also near the height of his popularity it would have made headlines if he finished his degree. No way a top athlete goes back to finish their final year of college and it doesnt get a headline somewhere even in local news.

I know (hope) they were using the drinks just to show how stable it is.. But I am cracking up at the chaos this would cause if you had a robot zipping around a dim restaurant with drinks while being at shin level