
Yea.. I don’t like this. Not even the headline just being clickbait but the whole article leaves out why he was actually fired. Even when the part about the email that is mentioned here doesn’t specify it went to ALL of the students. I thought “students” referred to the two in question that emailed him. We shouldn’t

I get what you are saying and I don’t think he originally wanted to defeat his dad. Just like all of the other kids, he wanted his dads approval. He was the heir before the start of the show but he went to rehab and his dad became sick before he was able to get back in his dads good graces.

I was expecting Kendall to just fall on the Grenade and admit to the accidental death/cover up just to fuck his dad and save his siblings. When he said “hey” as logan walked out I thought he was going to go for it. I still expect that to possibly be the final outcome. It would be peak Kendall. He would get to be

Considering the AV Club article linked opens with calling him a method actor or “an asshole on set” before talking about how he is talented, as well as people on social media hinting to him getting fired because his costars are tired of him... I can see how his friends might feel like they want to defend him. To not

Idk that Kendall is mediocre. I mean hes taking L’s left and right here but I think we tend to forget that like the show starts with Kendall coming back from rehab/therapy and then almost immediately he indirectly causes a guys death. Before his mental health crisis and addiction he was the clear future CEO. But Yes

I think hes trying to create the possibility that he knew them but wasn’t in on the plan. “Like I had a business and personal relationship with one brother but the other was sketchy and might have convinced him to rob me. I originally thought the dudes who jumped me were white cuz they yelled this is Maga Country.”

sssshh hes going with the Aaron Rodgers defense. If you don’t ask him to clarify if it was a double negative or a pause, then he wasn’t lying.

His goal is to just create enough reasonable doubt that he wasnt in on it right? Otherwise hes completely demented and should have plead out. And they apparently got tape of him doing a run through the day before? (what devotion to his craft, didnt want to be sloppy during the live run)

Exactly, which is wierd that so many people seem to be thinking Strong doesnt get the joke. This isn’t even a Shakespearean comedy because I don’t see how this has a happy ending for most of the characters. Yea they make funny comments but is the bar that low? Whole episodes go by without anything funny happening

It is possible Kendall could potentially be a good person, or as much of a good person you could be raised in such a situation. Trying to make your dad proud while struggling with your conscience could lead to mental breakdowns and turning to drugs. Hes the only one who seems to be struggling with all of this and sure

You are correct and, just like the commenter I responded to, I was mistaken when I thought his dad didnt text him. If his dad texted him right after Gerri then yea it makes more sense.

Yea that was a very weird mistake on his part. Almost plot armor level mistake. they clearly didnt text eachother becuase the trend was empty.. and its a huge stretch that trying to search Gerri he would get Dad. G is two letters away from D and I doubt Gerri is the only G in his contacts so he would probably have

I guess its not sexual so like she couldnt be arrested so its just insanely wierd? Also was she capable of actually breastfeeding the cat? I am not an expert, on breast feeding and milk production, but since she didnt have any children with her, maybe she is handling the loss of her baby in a very different way.

I agree with what you are saying and choosing specifically the rape narrative was a poor choice on my part, especially because I just mentioned it to give a quick example instead of going into more detail about her story. Even taking the sexual nature of the situation out of it, you still would have someone mind

I’m sorry what? This song just became diamond? Played round the clock for 2 months every year for decades? I guess that shows how much burn Old Time Road was getting to hit diamond.

Yea I think hes right. Do you think Disney + would have touched Jessica Jones’ rape by Killgrave and all that trauma? They would have stripped all that out and just had her be a moody dark humor person for no apparent reason. If they lighten up Punisher he would be a blue collar batman? I liked the Netflix show and I

If someone reports the post it should be hidden and the author gets a chance to make their case. And then if the author of the tweet loses too many of those cases (twitter can set a number) then the account gets suspended. That way it protects the average person while preventing some dipshit from using this system to

Ahh there we go makes sense. And yes I remember when the Stacker came out, it was a Jr. cheeseburger size, now its normal size. And the Whopper/King is the same thing just one has cheese and the other has lettuce,tomato, onions. Foolishness.

I dont really blame them. Alot of items on the menu and its not readily obvious whats the difference between some of them. For example what is the difference between the Bacon Stacker and the Bacon King? fuck if i know pictures look exactly the same might be the sauce.

Not a complaint more like a question. I realize Hulu might be trying to just punt any blame for the situation, but they make it sound like they weren’t involved at all. Obviously they didn’t create the doc, but they must have been involved with giving it the banner and putting it on the main page right?