
In the AP article linked to it there is a back door, and im assuming the area behind the outhouse is at a lower elevation. I’m assuming thats for easier cleanup. Anyways the bear entered using a space between the back door and im assuming the ground to enter.

Without victim blaming, I would be interested to see how much pre sit checking she did. Its possible she shined her light on the seat at an angle she didnt see the bear... but I’m already paranoid enough about a sneak/rat climbing up the pipes while in the city,and I feel like for an outhouse I’d do a solid level of

7pm for me. Gotta end work, walk dog, shower, pour myself an adult beverage then watch. Such a tedious ritual

Whats blowing my mind is that they could have gotten away to the parts of texas still with power, which would allow him to stay in the fucking state, OR THE REST OF THE FUCKING COUNTRY. The fact that people will believe him or even be like yea well what you expect them to freeze, when they had way better choices if

Its actuallly a really poor lie, a stupid lie at that which he doesnt realize makes him look worse. In reality they had a family trip planned and he went eventhough shit went downhill for his state. Also he expects us to believe that his family needs him to go with him for safety or something? Even if his daughters

Are you somehow implying that Constantine isnt amazing? We had 3 sherlocks going at the same time so why couldnt we have a more intoxicated magical sherlock? Also I love Matt Ryan as Constantine

Hes right in general as far as sports go its very two sided. I remember when that mets player (Wilmer Flores) got traded mid game and was crying on the field. People always use the “its business” and “they are getting paid millions” when the player is getting screwed but when the player wants something everyone gets a

Lets be real she was planning on suing, either to raise the money for surgery to fix this or because she really blamed them and was trying to sue. Then her gofundme made hella money and she got the surgery for free anyways. Plus shes smart enough to manage to turn this situation into multiple money opportunities. So

oh shit i forgot he was ass kicker

I’m amazed with all the indepth comic book research done for this review they missed the “why dont you look the same” “KICKASS” reference.

Definitely fresh wounds for her but I’m thinking while searching for Vision’s body she definitely figured out they have been researching him for 5 years and got pissed off.

Which also make the fact that they keep harping on Justin Timberlake (not the Janet Jackson stuff that justifiable) about Brittany Spears ridiculous. He was a teen acting out from his point of view.. what was theirs?

Can you *waves gestures to all of GMO* make it so that the videos you embed actually show up on firefox? I have adblocker and advanced tracker protection off. Now I either have to reopen this site on another browser or google his video

We were going to build a COPY of him not bring him back to life. big difference!

yup. people talking about how nice and gift of a god he is for giving her the free surgery (and he very well might be) totally forgetting that he got way better advertisment then the 12k she could have been on the hook for.

Yea exactly she legit gave birth to them granted alot of magic was used for conception and sped up time. Plus idk how everyone is acting like Wanda is crazy for stealing the body.. when 5 years after his death she walks in on scientists doing who knows what with his body. Its not like she dug up his grave or whatever

I know they dont have enough uses for it on the rest of the menu to be worth it.. But I wish they had cheese. I like american cheese on my chicken or even fish sandwiches and I’d like to not have to bring my cheese with me* or drive home with the sandwich and add cheese to it.

Why didnt Gorilla Glue develop a solvent? Probably because there are many out there already. What he probably meant was one safe for skin/scalp. They probably thought instructions that said not to put on skin and to wash off immediately in case of contact would do it. And for all saying she didnt put it on her skin

She will almost certainly lose but Gorilla Glue will also prob just give her some money to go away instead of being the company that drags a lady some people feel bad for into bankruptcy over legal fees.

Well the biggest issue is that... It doesnt matter if you put it in your hair. If you gorilla glue your hair.. you can acetone or cut it off.. The problem is it got glued to her scalp which happens to be skin, so gorilla glue prob still in the clear anyways.